How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic
Machine operation

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

An artificial road bump, or speed bump, is an obstacle designed specifically for those drivers who do not pay attention to traffic signs.

If a sign “Children on the road” appears in front of us, then we may not slow down if we really see that there are no children on the road. But artificial unevenness, or a sleeping policeman will make us think which is better: without slowing down, drive through this difficult section of the road and ruin the shock absorbers, hub bearings and stabilizer struts, or still make sure that there are no children on the road and drive calmly this section of the road.

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

There is a whole set of rules where artificial bumps can be installed, and where not.

For example, they cannot be installed in front of public transport stops, at the entrances to fire stations or ambulance services. And this is understandable, because for firefighters or doctors every minute is precious.

Requirements for the installation of speed bumps are regulated by separate GOSTs and traffic rules. But regardless of whether the installation of this barrier is allowed in a given place or not, the driver must be able to drive through all these artificial bumps, as well as non-artificial ones, which are also enough on the roads.

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

Driving a speed bump on a mechanic (manual transmission)

So, imagine the situation: you are driving a Renault Logan with a manual transmission, a sign appears in front of you - 1.17 - Artificial unevenness (according to the rules, this sign must be installed).

A warning sign, as you know, is installed 50-100 meters before the immediate danger within the city, and 50-300 meters outside the city.

Our actions in this case:

  • we carefully look at the road - an artificial unevenness should be indicated by yellow stripes, plus there should be a sign to reduce the speed to 40 or to 20 km / h;
  • depending on the gearshift table, we reduce the speed and pass this artificial unevenness;
  • we pass the speed limit zone;
  • upshift and move on...

You can also coast this section of the road, that is, switch to neutral gear and take your foot off the gas pedal, the car will pass the bumps by inertia.

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

If we dare to drive a lying policeman at high speed, then the consequences may not be the best:

  • the car experiences an aerodynamic lift force and tends to soar into the air;
  • the force of gravity causes it to land while the front wheels go over the bump;
  • the rear axle also rises and falls.

The car bounces - the suspension is not very easy - a few such blows and you need to check the stabilizer struts, shock absorbers, wheel bearings, tie rods.

Experienced drivers can offer a simple trick - a sharp turn of the steering wheel to the left and back leveling, and in this way you can pass any bumps without slowing down.

There are also some peculiarities, for example, if the clearance does not allow driving an artificial bump in a straight line (according to GOST, an artificial bump should take into account the minimum allowable clearance value). Experts in this case say that you will have to turn the steering wheel to the right and drive through the bump in the same way as we drive onto the curb.

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

Travel speed bump on the machine (automatic transmission)

The rules for driving a speed bump on a car with an automatic transmission are the same as on the mechanics:

  • you need to reduce the speed to the specified value;
  • roll over an uneven surface;
  • you should not try to slip through a speed bump at high speed or brake sharply in front of him.

If there is a small gap between the curb and the bump, then you can use this loophole - it turns out that only the left wheels will pass through the bump, and in this case, the impact on the suspension will be less sensitive.

How to pass speed bumps on a mechanic, automatic

The easiest way to drive past a cop:

  • slow down in front of him;
  • at the time of arrival, briefly press the gas;
  • when the front wheels have passed, we press the brake again to unload the rear suspension.

The selector is on "D"

The best video tutorial from which you will learn how to safely pass speed bumps, as well as what other methods exist to do it right and wrong.

Video about the correct crossing over speed bumps.


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