How to unblock external drain?
Repair tool

How to unblock external drain?

The following options should give you an idea of ​​the possible methods and procedures for unlocking an external drain.

Drain rods

Drain rods are specialized tools for unlocking external drains. They are used by professionals but are easy enough for most people to master. They consist of short lengths of rod that can be twisted and inserted into a blocked sewer pipe.

Along the drainage system there will be manholes, dedicated anchorage points, and cleaning wells where drain rods can be used, all of which are above-ground access points to the drain pipes.

How to unblock external drain?To use the drain rod set, you need to open the hatch closest to your house. If the hatch is filled with water, then you have found a blockage. If clear, move on to the next hatch.

There will be a pipe leading from the hatch, through which you lower your drainage rod; extension as you go. You must remember to twist the rod in the same direction as it is twisted so that they do not come apart.


How to unblock external drain?The drain auger can be inserted in the same way as the drain rods; through a hatch or access point. However, they will be more difficult to maneuver through the hatch.

The electric auger is the most suitable tool for use in external drains because of its extra power.

Gully capture

How to unblock external drain?The gully grapple can be used to remove blockages in ravines, manholes and other external drains. They are more designed to remove leaves, stones, silt and other natural deposits.

However, these are quite expensive tools if only used once or twice.

Expert call

How to unblock external drain?If the above methods have not been successful, or you are not sure if there are external blockages, and even if it is your responsibility to eliminate them, then it is best to call a sewer cleaning specialist or plumber.

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