How to smooth out the first wrinkles?
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How to smooth out the first wrinkles?

Until now, there are many myths about young skin, for example, that anti-wrinkle cream can only be used after 40 years. Nothing could be more wrong. Care is the best prevention, so the sooner you start applying smoothing cosmetics, the later you will see the first wrinkles. Below you will find all the necessary tips.

The latest trends in skin care finally debunk the myth that anti-wrinkle creams can only be used after 40 years. Nobody looks at the age of the skin anymore, only its condition. Before choosing a cream, it is worth evaluating the level of moisture, the degree of lubrication, the thickness of the epidermis and resistance to external factors.

And the wrinkles? Around the 25th birthday, our skin begins to lose collagen, i.e. the protein that determines the firm appearance of the skin. And so every year, it is one percent less, and around forty, this process accelerates to such an extent that 30 percent of collagen disappears at a rapid rate. Why does collagen disappear, how does it happen and where do the first and subsequent wrinkles on the forehead, temples or under the eyes come from?

Everything happens right under the epidermis 

We breathe polluted air, we experience stress all the time, and we eat this stress with sweets. Sounds familiar? Add to all this lack of exercise, excess sun, improper care, and we have a recipe for accelerated skin aging. The first wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes appear before the age of 30. What is the mechanism of formation of wrinkles and folds in the skin structure? Well, collagen forms a very strong and stretch-resistant network that supports the skin and makes it resistant to dents and damage.

Between the long collagen fibers are short and strong springs from another protein, namely elastin. All this springy "mattress" is located under the epidermis, where it is regularly updated, i.e. regenerates damaged cells and is replaced by new ones. And so up to a certain point, when the skin loses its ability to quickly regenerate, more and more damaged collagen cells appear, and new ones are born too slowly. There are other factors that act destructively on this subtle mechanism. For example, free radicals. They effectively slow down the skin and damage its cells. In addition, over time, collagen fibers become stiff under the influence of sugar, which sticks them together and destroys them.

These changes are irreversible and accelerate skin aging. That is why it is increasingly being said that eliminating sugar from your diet has a rejuvenating effect. It is a fact. However, besides changing your diet, using high filters in your daily makeup, getting enough sleep and exercising, there are a few other things you can do for your skin.

What cream from the first wrinkles? 

Let's deal with the myth once and for all that under the influence of an anti-aging cream, the skin can become "lazy". There is no such possibility, because the cream is not a medicine, and the skin constantly regenerates and “replaces” used cells with new ones. With anti-wrinkle care, you should not wait for the first signs of aging, but choose creams that protect the skin, moisturize and slow down the passage of time. It is best to add to this the effect of cell stimulation for effective renewal and we have the recipe for the perfect cream. The role of cosmetics is to protect the skin from environmental damage, free radical damage, UV exposure and water loss. Ingredients to look for: hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, peptides and retinol. And the complement of care should be a reasonable diet, a large dose of exercise and as little stress as possible.

First, second and third wrinkles 

We are a collection of genetic information. This also applies to the skin, so it’s enough to take a closer look at your own parents to know what our complexion will be like in ten to fifteen years. Gene activity affects the appearance of the skin and the aging process. That is why we are so different from each other, and why facial care must be approached individually. There are no iron rules here, and the first anti-wrinkle cream will be useful even for a twenty-year-old girl, provided that her skin needs it.

So, mimic wrinkles always appear first on the face. So if you enjoy smiling, you will most likely see traces of your emotions around your eyes and mouth. Minor folds, creases and furrows disappear along with the disappearance of a smile, but over time they become permanent and remain with us forever.

Another type of wrinkles are gravity wrinkles, which are associated with more advanced aging processes, so they appear a little later and most often affect the cheeks, eyelids, and jaw.

Finally, the last type: wrinkles caused by excessive love for the sun and the lack of filters in holiday cosmetics. This is something that could have been avoided, but here we return to the starting point, namely prevention.

30+ cream 

In order for new collagen to form regularly in the skin, a dose of the appropriate factor is needed to support the entire process. In this case, it is vitamin C. With regular use, it brightens, sets up cells for action and rapid production of collagen. So you can easily use it in a high dose like in Parabiotica's C-Evolution cream.

Just remember to protect your skin with a high filter, so it's best to apply an extra layer of a light barrier cream or makeup base or BB formula with SPF 30.

A good idea for a prophylactic cream for the first wrinkles would be a moisturizing composition enhanced with retinol. The use of this active ingredient accelerates skin regeneration, rejuvenates and works great for enlarged pores and discoloration. So if you are looking for natural retinol cosmetics, try the Resibo formula.

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