How to Remove a Stuck Car Magnet
Auto repair

How to Remove a Stuck Car Magnet

Drivers use car magnets to show their support for any interest, including their favorite sports team, favorite TV show, stunning design, or some other personal expression. Some companies even use large, custom-made car magnets to advertise their services.

However, after a while, these magnets wear out, fade, or melt, and you may want to remove them from your car or make room for new magnets that will grab your attention. By following a few specific methods, you can easily remove stuck magnets from your car without ruining the paint.

Method 1 of 3: Removing the car magnet with glue remover.

Necessary materials

  • car wax
  • Hairdryer
  • Hot Blade Sticker Remover
  • Rubber gloves
  • Microfiber towels
  • Paint-safe glue remover
  • Steam cleaner

Using adhesive solvent is one way to remove a stuck car magnet. Heating the magnet with a hair dryer, or even waiting for the hot sun to warm it up, can loosen the bond between the magnet and the car body.

After that, add adhesive solvent to further loosen the connection. Then you just need to remove the magnet in whole or in parts by hand or with a steam cleaner or a hot blade to remove the stickers.

Step 1: Heat up the magnet. Heat up the car magnet with a hair dryer, or even better, leave the car in the hot sun.

This should help loosen the magnet.

Step 2: Spray the Magnet. When the magnet is hot, spray paint thinner on it.

Let it soak in for a few minutes, making sure it doesn't dry out. Reapply solvent as needed.

Step 3: Manually remove the magnet. After the solvent has soaked into the magnet, put on a pair of latex gloves.

Finish the edges of the magnet with your finger. If necessary, use a hot-blade decal remover. The sticker remover consists of an insert device that heats a box cutter blade inserted at the end.

Step 4: Steam the magnet. If you have a steam cleaner, use the steam to break the magnet's connection to the car body when you have a free edge.

Just be careful to keep the tip of the steam cleaner moving and don't get too close to the paint to avoid damaging it.

Step 5: Wash your car. After the entire magnet is removed, wash the entire car.

Finally, apply wax to the car to protect it from the weather.

Method 2 of 3: Using soap and water to remove the car magnet

Necessary materials

  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Hairdryer
  • Rubber gloves
  • Microfiber towels
  • Plastic scraper
  • Sprayer

Another proven method for removing a car magnet involves using soap and water to lubricate the removal process. Then it remains only to remove all the remnants.

Step 1: Clean around the magnet. Using a clean, damp microfiber towel, clean the area around the car magnet.

Be sure to remove any loose dirt and other debris so it doesn't scratch the paint during the car magnet removal process.

Step 2: Heat up the magnet with a hair dryer.. You can use an electric hair dryer if you have access to an outlet.

If there is no outlet nearby, use a battery operated hair dryer.

  • A warning: Do not use a heat gun to heat a car magnet, as this may damage the car's finish.

Step 3: Pick Up the Magnet. When the car magnet becomes more flexible with heat, pry up the edge with a plastic scraper.

Be very careful not to scratch the paint when using the scraper to remove the car magnet.

Step 4: Spray under the magnet. Apply warm, soapy water from a spray bottle under the magnet.

This should help lubricate it and make it easier to remove from the car body.

Step 5: Remove the magnet. Keep pulling on the magnet until it releases.

Use more warm soapy water if needed when you remove the magnet.

Step 6: Wash the area. Wash the affected area thoroughly with warm, soapy water from a spray bottle and a microfiber towel to remove any remaining product.

Apply wax as needed.

Method 3 of 3: Use a fishing line to remove a car magnet

Necessary materials

  • Fishing line
  • Hairdryer
  • Hot water
  • Rubber gloves
  • Microfiber towels
  • Mild dish detergent
  • plastic spatula
  • small brush

Using fishing line to remove a car magnet is another good way to make sure the magnet comes off nice and clean without damaging the car's paintwork. This method also uses heat to make the plastic of the magnet more malleable and easy to remove.

Step 1: Clean around the magnet. Take hot water and soap and clean the area around the car magnet to make sure it is free of dirt and debris.

  • Functions: Use a microfiber cloth as it will remove all the dirt from the car body, reducing the risk of scratches.

Step 2: Put the fishing line under the magnet. Look for areas that indicate that the magnet has come loose from the car body.

Run the line under the magnet to see if you can loosen it even more.

You can also use a plastic spatula at this point to try and loosen the magnet, but be extra careful not to scratch the car's paint.

Step 3: Heat up the magnet. If necessary, heat the car magnet with a hair dryer.

The point of this step is to expand the plastic material of the magnet and make it loosen even more.

Step 4: Working with dish detergent. If the magnet is still stuck to the car body, use a small brush to apply some dish soap under the magnet.

Let the soap soak in, and then try again to remove the magnet using one of the above methods.

  • Functions: You can also douse the magnet area with cold water and then hot water. The goal is to make the magnet contract and expand, possibly making it easier to remove.

Step 5: Clear the area. After removing the car magnet, thoroughly clean the area with soap and water.

Finish off with waxing and polishing to a high shine.

Removing a stuck car magnet is safe and effective in a few simple steps. When removing a car magnet, remove it slowly to avoid damaging the paint underneath. If the paint does get damaged during the process, see your mechanic for quick and helpful advice on restoring your car's finish.

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