How to keep the fuel system clean?
Auto repair

How to keep the fuel system clean?

Proper maintenance of the fuel system is critical to the long-term performance of your vehicle. The most easily clogged parts of the fuel system are the fuel injectors themselves. This can happen in several ways:

  • Whenever an internal combustion engine is switched off, fuel/exhaust remains in the combustion chambers. As the engine cools, the evaporating gases settle on all surfaces of the combustion chamber, including the fuel injector nozzle. Over time, this residue can reduce the amount of fuel the injector can deliver to the engine. There is little that can be done to prevent this, but if the engine has been running particularly hard (a lot of climbing or high temperatures), it may be a good idea to let it cool down a bit before turning off the engine. A smoother ride towards the end of a trip can extend the life of your fuel injectors.

  • The heat in the cooling cylinders can also weld residue and other contaminants to the nozzles, making cleaning much more difficult and time consuming.

  • Fuel injectors can become clogged with debris. This can either come from the gas or from the fuel system itself. Gasoline with impurities in it is less common these days, and gas is of consistently high quality at most large gas stations. Still, debris can get into the tank and, consequently, into the fuel system. The fuel filter traps most impurities, but a small amount can get past.

  • If there is water in the fuel, corrosion can occur in the pipes and fittings of the fuel system. This corrosion can cause debris to get stuck in the nozzles.

How to clean the fuel system

  • For the remainder in the fuel tank, the tank can be removed and flushed. This is a very labor intensive service and does not need to be performed as part of regular maintenance.

  • Access to the fuel pump is difficult, as it is usually installed inside the gas tank. If there is a problem causing the fuel pump to malfunction, it is usually replaced.

  • Fuel lines can be flushed if there is debris causing problems, but soft fuel hoses should be replaced if they become worn.

  • Fuel injectors can be flushed to remove debris, but in order to remove burnt residue from soaking and other difficult issues, a complete injector cleaning is necessary. This means removing the injectors and cleaning (then checking) each one.

A clean fuel system will deliver fuel more consistently and provide the owner with greater reliability and higher efficiency.

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