How to Become an Automotive Expert?

How to Become an Automotive Expert?

A car expert is a referent for assessing the technical condition of a car after an accident or any catastrophe. He often intervenes at the request of insurance companies, administrations or individuals. An automotive expert is a profession that requires recognized training and can be done as a self-employed person or as an employee.

🚗 What is the role of an automotive expert?

How to Become an Automotive Expert?

The role of a car expert is to make sure that the car meets the various requirements. safety standards car. It can be requested in several cases: during buying and selling a used car for example or during accident or sinister.

Indeed, only he can proceed to property damage assessment and subtract the financial amount from it. The skill of an automotive expert is twofold, because he owns both the technical aspect and, at the same time, the legislative aspect with insurance, traffic rules, damage assessment and repairs.

Ce administrative side complemented by the role of an intermediary that the expert must play in dealing with insurance companies affected by natural disasters and garage repairmen. Also known as car diagnostics and repair technician, he can use his technical knowledge by arriving at the scene of the accident or using a photo of the damaged car.

Finally, he must also declare if the vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle) cannot be repaired or that the cost of the repair exceeds the vehicle's current market value.

👨‍🔧 What are the skills of an automotive expert?

How to Become an Automotive Expert?

To be able to pursue his profession, an automotive expert must acquire skills at several levels. Here are the most important skills you'll need to become an automotive expert:

  • Knowledge of automotive technology : To be able to assess damage to a vehicle, an automotive expert must have a wide range of knowledge in the field of automotive mechanics. Auto parts are no secret to him, and he knows the cost of repairing each of them;
  • Legal expertise : the legislation is fully mastered by the automotive expert. He knows how insurance works, knows the rules of the road and all the conditions associated with civil liability;
  • Vehicle cost control : he very regularly checks the car quotes on Argus and therefore can know if the car can be overhauled according to its current market value;
  • Appetite for administration : part of the job consists of managing administrative tasks, so you should be well versed in this type of action;
  • Be flexible : the automotive expert should be available to different clients and be able to travel according to the schedules of his interlocutors;
  • Have good interpersonal skills : This profession has a lot to do with contact, so the automotive expert is sociable and diplomatic.

📝 What are the training courses to become an automotive expert?

How to Become an Automotive Expert?

To become an automotive expert, you need to upgrade to tray 2 with an approved automotive expert diploma. Numerous specializations allow you to specialize depending on the vehicles you want to deal with: agricultural vehicles, heavy vehicles, cars, etc.

Depending on your desires, several training courses are available to you to start this career:

  1. Un BTS car maintenance and car after-sales service with the possibility of personal vehicles;
  2. Un BTS maintenance of construction and material handling equipment ;
  3. Un Internal combustion engines BTS ;
  4. Un Services of technical BTS and agricultural machinery ;
  5. Un BTSA analysis, management and strategy of an agricultural company ;
  6. Un professional container for car maintenance with the option of a passenger car;
  7. Un FLS electrical engineering and industrial IT in the electronic specialty;
  8. Un FLS mechanical engineering with a car option;
  9. Un Estaca Engineer Diploma (Higher School of Aviation and Automotive Engineering).

For some of these trainings, it will be necessary to obtain professional qualification diploma with professional organizations to fulfill their function as an automotive expert.

💸 What is the salary of an automotive expert?

How to Become an Automotive Expert?

The salary of an automotive expert can range from simple to double, depending on whether he works as an employee or at his own expense. A hired car expert earns on average 1 € gross per month, but as an independent he can earn up to 3 € gross per month.

If you are self-employed, it is important to keep your accounts and deduct all your expenses from that amount. The profession of an automotive expert offers interesting career prospects because you can develop as a quality manager.

Automotive experts are essential in the automotive world for many players. This job is for you if you are a passionate auto mechanic, have administrative capabilities and good interpersonal skills!

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