How to remove tar from a car body?
Auto repair

How to remove tar from a car body?

Like most motorists, you should be wary of pine resin seeping onto the body of your car. You've probably wondered how to remove these tar stains from your body, because they cannot be removed by simple rubbing, worse, if you rub too hard, you risk permanently damaging your body or strike... Here are some effective methods for removing tar from your car body!

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How to remove tar from a car body?

This is a simple method, but in most cases it helps to get rid of the tar on the body. All you need to do is bring paper towels, soap, and a bowl of water. Mix the soap and water, then dampen the mixture on a paper towel. Then apply it for a few minutes on the resin stains, the resin will soften on contact with water, do not rub, without damaging the body paintwork. Remove after a few minutes, the stain should be gone.

🔧 How to remove pine tar from a car?

Don't wait until the juice is too dry to wash your car; the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to wash away stains.

Required materials: microfiber cloth, water, soap.

Step 1. Start by spraying the vehicle with clean water.

How to remove tar from a car body?

The first cleaning with clean water will allow you to remove coarse dirt and thus better identify where the juice has stuck. Remember to clean the entire machine thoroughly, some stains may not be visible at first glance.

Step 2. Clean the car

How to remove tar from a car body?

To do this, use a microfiber cloth that won't scratch your body. Submerge the cloth in a bowl of soapy water. The water should be very hot, because the hotter it is, the more the juice will dissolve upon contact with it and the easier it will be to wash it off with a cloth. Remember to rinse the fabric well before leaving to prevent dirt from scratching or damaging your body.

Step 3: rinse the car

How to remove tar from a car body?

Once you think you have removed the juice, you can rinse the car body with clean water. Make sure all stains are gone, if not, start rubbing again with the cloth. If the tasks still fail, try one of the other methods that we explain to you.

Step 4. Dry the machine.

How to remove tar from a car body?

You can now dry the machine with a clean dry cloth. If you want the car like new, you can polish the body too!

⚙️ How to use a stain remover to remove tar from the body?

How to remove tar from a car body?

If, despite your best efforts, you are still unable to get the juice out of your car, you can buy a special resin stain remover that you can find on the market.

Materials needed: water, soap, stain remover and microfiber cloth.

Step 1. Start by washing your car

You just need to repeat the steps that we described just above. Hot water and soap will help dissolve the resin or pine sap.

Step 2: use a stain remover.

You will find it at most gas stations or in your garage. This product will help dissolve the juice without damaging your car body. Take a clean cloth and add a little stain remover, then rub the stains gently so that the stain remover has time to break down the tar. We recommend that you apply the product in small circular motions to get the resin off your body.

Step 3: rinse and shine

After all the resin has been removed, you can rinse the car with clean water to remove any remaining dirt. Also use wax to polish the body and find the car like new!

?? Can I use household products to remove resin traces?

How to remove tar from a car body?

Materials Required: Water, soap, rag, white spirit, isopropyl alcohol, penetrating oil, and hand sanitizer.

If all the methods we just described still haven't paid off and the resin remains on your body, you can try another method. Remember to always check the products on a hidden part of your vehicle to make sure your body is not being attacked by the products you use.

Step 1: wash your car with hot water

Again, always wash your car first with hot water and soap. If that doesn't work, go to the next step.

Step 2: use white spirit

Apply white spirit to a soft cloth and rub gently so that the resin breaks down and can peel off easily.

Step 3. Use isopropyl alcohol.

If white spirit is not effective, isopropyl alcohol can be used. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto the cloth, then quickly and gently wipe down the body to remove any traces of juice. Remember to regularly soak the fabric in alcohol, as alcohol evaporates very quickly. If rubbing alcohol doesn't work, you can also try a penetrant oil or hand sanitizer.

Step 4: rinse and polish

As with the other steps, always rinse your car with clean water and then use wax to keep your body glowing.

🚘 Is baking soda effective in removing tar from the body of your car?

How to remove tar from a car body?

Another very effective method to remove tar stains from your body is to use baking soda. To do this, apply the powder directly to the stain and then add a few drops of lemon. Wait 5-10 minutes for the mixture to work, then gently rub in with a sponge. Repeat until the stain is gone, then rinse with hot water.

Now you know how to remove pine tar stains from your body, but if, however, you failed or if you want to entrust this task to a professional, you can compare body repair prices with our linear garage comparator.

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