How to remove air from the cooling system?
Machine operation

How to remove air from the cooling system?

An efficient cooling system is critical to the proper operation of our vehicle. The coolant regulates the temperature of the running engine, resulting in its efficiency. Air in the system not only impairs ride comfort, but also the risk of overheating of the drive, which is very dangerous. In this article, we will show you how to quickly and safely remove air from the cooling system.

What will you learn from this post?

  • How to check if there is air in the cooling system?
  • How to bleed the cooling system yourself?

Shortly speaking

The cooling system maintains the optimum engine temperature while driving. Air bubbles in the liquid impede its circulation. An abnormal rise in the engine temperature gauge may indicate the presence of gas in the system. In the post, we explain in detail how to remove air from the cooling system. It is a simple process that does not require the assistance of an auto mechanic.

Why is it necessary to pump the cooling system from time to time and how do you know when it is necessary?

Ventilation in the cooling system is a natural process. Air bubbles enter the liquid when refilling and replacing it. Air in the cooling system often does not show any characteristic symptoms. The presence of gas in the liquid causes the engine to heat up faster. It is a process that does not immediately show signs. If we monitor the gauge showing engine temperature on a daily basis, we can see alarmingly higher spikes in readings. However, let's be honest, few drivers pay special attention to such parameters. How do you know in such a situation when it is time to remove air from the cooling system?

The main signal for concern should be untimely replacement of the coolant... They are recommended to be carried out at least once every two years. Many drivers do not pay much attention to the cooling system in the car, which is a huge mistake. Irregular fluid changes result in a large amount of air accumulating each time you refuel. Gas not only interferes with the circulation of substances through the system, but also presents a real risk of engine overheating.

Phased removal of air from the cooling system

Always remove air from the radiator when the engine is cold. While driving, the temperature and pressure in the cooling system become very high. When the engine is hot, loosening the fluid reservoir can cause severe burns. How to safely remove air from the cooling system?

  1. Unscrew the coolant reservoir cap.
  2. Start the car engine.
  3. Observe the surface of the liquid. Bubbles that form indicate that there is air in the cooler.
  4. Add coolant periodically until air bubbles stop forming on the surface.

The ventilation process of the cooling system is completed when air bubbles are no longer observed on the surface of the liquid. However, it is imperative monitor engine temperature on an ongoing basis... When the indicator shows 90°C, try to complete the process within a maximum of five minutes to prevent liquid splashing. Once you're done venting, it's worth taking a walk. After returning and complete cooling of the engine, check the condition of the coolant again. If the cooling system has not been vented regularly, there may be a lot of air left in the cooling system, as shown in the illustration. suspiciously low fluid level... In this case, repeat the process again.

How to remove air from the cooling system?

Don't forget to add coolant!

After you have finished bleeding your vehicle's cooling system, be sure to top up with fluid. For optimal system performance the level of the substance must reach the upper line visible on the container... It is recommended to add the same liquid that is already in the tank. Most of the products on the market today have a similar base and can be mixed with each other. Always check the manufacturer's recommendations before refueling. The exception is liquids containing propylene glycol, which is green in color.

Bleeding the cooling system does not take much time. Regular air bleeding will help keep the radiator in good working order for as long as possible. When choosing a coolant, choose a trusted and experienced manufacturer. A high quality tested product improves system performance and helps maintain it. Check coolants from suppliers such as Motul, K2 and Caraso at

Also check:

Flushing the cooling system - how to do it and why is it worth it?

General cooling system malfunctions

Lyricist: Anna Vyshinskaya,

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