How do I know if my brakes need replacing?
Auto repair

How do I know if my brakes need replacing?

Certain symptoms will tell you when to replace your car brakes. Brake warning light and squeaky brakes are common signs of worn brake pads or rotors.

Your car's brakes are one of the most important components in your car, so it's important to know when they need to be replaced. Brakes work by creating friction with the tires, so they wear out over time and can damage other parts of the car. Don't get caught on the road with faulty brakes.

Here are four ways to check if your brakes need replacing:

  1. Stop signal - the simplest sign: The brake warning light comes on. Sure, it sounds simple enough, but we often tend to ignore warning signs, despite their importance. Don't drive.

  2. Squealing or screeching sound with every braking: If the whistle hit the exhaust pipe, it's time to replace the brakes. Be careful when driving.

  3. Steering wheel gets wobbly: This may indicate a problem with the brakes. Similarly, brake pedal pulsation can also indicate a problem. Don't drive; have one of our mechanics come to you.

  4. Extended braking distance: If you have to start braking much earlier than usual, this is a sign that you need to replace the brakes. Be careful to get to a safe place.

When it's time to change your brakes, our certified mobile mechanics can come to your place to service your vehicle.

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