How to make the driver so that the sun does not blind on the track
Useful tips for motorists

How to make the driver so that the sun does not blind on the track

In the summer, almost the main nuisance that awaits the driver, especially on a long journey, is the bright sun, beating into the eyes of the driver.

Any car is equipped with a sun visor, partly saving from the bright sun. Some models, mainly in the premium segment, are equipped with athermal glasses that do not transmit ultraviolet light. In them, it is easier to transfer the sun beating into your eyes, but still annoying.

The simple advice to the driver “put on dark glasses” also does not always work. After all, a person can already be a “bespectacled man,” where should he put another pair of glasses on? Or, let's take the situation in the evening or early in the morning, when the sun is low and with might and main “beats” into the eyes, and there are thick shadows on the ground, in which you can’t see anything through sunglasses.

How to be in the cases described: in order to see everything that the driver needs to see, and not to “catch bunnies” from a bright star?

There are several tricks that soften the load on the eyes of the driver of any car from the bright light overboard.

First of all, you need to monitor the cleanliness and smoothness of the windshield. After all, every mote, every scratch on it in the rays of the sun turns into a bright dot looming before your eyes. When there are a lot of them, then the entire field of view of the driver in frontal lighting is filled with a cloud of such “sparks”.

If the matter is in adhering dirt, then it is enough to replace the “wipers” with new ones and pour good liquid into the washer reservoir. And if the surface of the windshield is fairly “cut” with sand and small pebbles, then the problem can be radically eliminated only by replacing the “frontal”, alas.

How to make the driver so that the sun does not blind on the track

It happens that the sun hits the eyes from the front hemisphere and even the lowered "visor" does not save. In this case, it can be advised to raise the driver's seat higher so that his head almost rests on the ceiling. In this case, the sun is almost guaranteed to be hidden by a visor.

For those who are not satisfied with such a driving position, we can advise an alternative - use a baseball cap with a large visor. Its position on the head can be "adjusted" so that the latter closes the driver's eyes from the light, but does not interfere with seeing what is happening on the road.

Passing a short section of the road, where the sun hits your eyes, you can try to cover one eye. Thanks to this, only one open eye will suffer from “flare”, and you will open the second when the car is in a more shaded area.

Thanks to this trick, the driver does not need a few additional (and, at times, precious!) Moments to adapt his vision from bright light to a muffled range in front of the windshield.

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