How do you react when you are hit by a car?

How do you react when you are hit by a car?

Imagine the following scenario: you step on a supposedly empty street and find that it is not so empty. When there is no time to protect yourself from the oncoming car, often only one thing helps: to run forward. Professional stuntman Tammy Byrd explains the best way to do this.

Rule # 1: lift your legs

“The most important thing is to get on the hood because you don't want to jump up and land on the tarmac,” Baird explains. Raising the leg closest to the car increases the chance of being placed on the hood rather than being thrown to the ground. “I want to emphasize that there is no weight on the foot closest to the car,” Baird said. If there is still time, the stuntman recommends jumping off the support and actively climbing onto the hood.

Roll over and protect your head

Already on the hood, Baird recommends raising your hands to protect your head. The inevitable consequence is that you will roll over, either through the windshield as the car continues to move, or back onto the road if the driver stops. If you are ready, you can even fall to your feet - otherwise, it is important to continue to protect your head with your hands. Once on the road, you must leave it as soon as possible to avoid another accident.

Medical examination

Even if it seems that you survived a collision with a car unharmed, experts still recommend that you see a doctor for an examination. Serious internal injuries can easily go unnoticed in the first few minutes due to the increased adrenaline rush.

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