How to choose a child car seat - video
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How to choose a child car seat - video

One seat belt is not enough to protect the child in the event of sudden braking or an accident. In addition, traffic rules prohibit the transportation of children under the age of 12 without child seats, especially in the front seat. A natural question arises before car owners - how to choose a child seat.

How to choose a child car seat - video

The choice depends on various factors:

  • age, weight and height of the child;
  • design features of the vehicle.

All this must be taken into account when choosing.

Chairs are divided into several types depending on the age of the child and his weight. Also, manufacturers of such chairs take into account many small nuances. For example, for infants, seat belts are made of softer material, there is special protection for the child's head. For older children, a rigid frame is provided. In addition, it is possible to change the position of the chair, since children can be transported both in a lying position and sitting.

How to choose a child car seat - video

When choosing a chair, you should pay attention to the presence of additional straps, since one protection over the shoulder is not enough. The belts should be made of soft material so that the child cannot damage his delicate skin during sudden stops. The belts must respond to any emergency and tighten instantly so that the child does not have time to cripple the belts, hit the front seats or the dashboard.

Experts do not recommend buying a chair in which the frame is made of metal tubes; you should give preference to a plastic frame. High sidewalls are a guarantee of safety for babies, since such sidewalls can protect in the event of both side and frontal collisions.

It is very important to pay attention to the presence of the “stretching” mechanism. That is, even if the seat is securely fastened, the fasteners may loosen after a short ride on rough roads or speed bumps, and in the event of a collision or sudden braking, it is likely that the seat may move significantly and not hold the child.

How to choose a child car seat - video

When choosing a seat, try to install it in your car first, check how comfortable your child will feel in it, if the belts will pass through his neck. Naturally, it is worth buying only certified products that have passed all safety tests. Choose a seat that is appropriate for your child's age and weight.


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