How to Drill a Broken Bolt (5-Step Method)
Tools and Tips

How to Drill a Broken Bolt (5-Step Method)

Stuck or broken bolts can get in the way of any project or repair, but there are ways to get them out easily!

In some situations, the bolt may be stuck deep in a metal hole or exposed to the surface. Some people like to either forget about them or try to take them off the wrong way, damaging the details around them. I have been to several repair jobs where broken or stuck bolts were forgotten and neglected causing rust and other damage. Knowing how to remove them will help you avoid forking out for a handyman.

Drilling broken and stuck bolts out of metal holes is easy.

  • Use a center punch to make pilot holes in the center of the broken bolt.
  • Drill a pilot hole with the left hand bit until the broken bolt catches on the bit, removing the bolt.
  • You can also use a hammer and chisel to bite off the broken bolt until it comes off.
  • Heating a broken bolt with a flame loosens the broken bolt
  • Welding a nut to a broken bolt also works fine.

I'll go into more detail below.

What do you need

Get the following tools to make your job easier

  • Reversible or left hand drill
  • Pliers
  • Hammer
  • Heat source
  • welding equipment
  • Nut
  • bit
  • wrench
  • penetrant

Method 1: Rotate the Broken Bolt Correctly

The easiest way to remove a bolt from a metal surface or hole is to turn it in the correct direction.

This technique is quite applicable when the bolt is not strongly attached to the surface and when it protrudes somewhat above the surface.

Just take the bolt with pliers and turn it in the right direction.

Method 2: Remove the broken bolt with a hammer and chisel

You can still remove the broken bolt with a hammer and chisel. Proceed as follows:

  • Take an appropriately sized chisel that fits into the hole and tilt it at an angle suitable for hitting with a hammer.
  • Hit the chisel with the hammer until it goes into the broken bolt.
  • Continue doing this around the broken bolt until the broken bolt can be removed.
  • As soon as the bolt comes out from under the surface, you can weld the nut and remove it (method 3).

Method 3: Weld the nut to the stuck bolt

Welding a nut to a broken bolt is another effective solution for stuck bolts. So far this is the easiest method if you have a welding machine.

However, this method is not suitable if the broken bolt is stuck deep in the recess or where it was secured. The following steps will guide you through this method:

Step 1. Scrape off the metal chips or dirt from the stuck bolt with any suitable object.

Step 2. Then determine the correct size nut to match the broken bolt. Align it with the surface of the broken bolt. To prevent the nut from slipping, you can apply superglue before welding and fix it on the broken nut. You can use any other technique to secure the nut while welding.

Step 3. Weld the nut onto the broken bolt until it sticks. The heat generated during welding will also help unscrew the nut. Weld on the inside of the nut for efficiency.

Step 4. Use an appropriately sized wrench to remove the broken bolt welded to the nut.

Method 4: use a reverse drill

Reverse drills can also be critical in removing broken bolts. Unlike the welding method, you can use this method to remove even deep bolts.

However, you will need the right drill for your situation. Do the following:

Step 1. Position the center punch close to the middle of the stuck bolt. Hit it with a hammer so that pilot holes can be drilled. Then use the back drill to cut a pilot hole in the broken bolt.

Creating an accurate pilot hole is critical to preventing any damage to the bolt threads. Thread damage can cause serious problems or even make the entire extraction process impossible.

Step 2. Use a back drilling setting, such as 20 RPM, to accurately drill the pilot hole. The drill is made of hardened steel. Thus, if it breaks during drilling, you may have additional problems extracting it.

When drilling in reverse, the stuck bolt will eventually catch on the drill bit, pulling it out. Continue smoothly and slowly until the entire bolt has been removed.

Step 3. Use a magnet to remove metal shavings or debris from a broken bolt from back drilling.

Caution: Do not insert a new bolt without removing metal debris. He can grab or break away.

Place a powerful magnet over the hole to capture metal debris. Alternatively, you can use compressed air to blast metal chips. (1)

Method 5: apply heat

Here, the broken bolt is loosened by heat and then removed. Procedure:

  • Spray the joint with PB Blaster penetrating oil first and wait a few minutes.
  • Use a rag to dampen excess penetrant. The oil is not super-flammable, but will catch fire if there is a lot of unused fluid.
  • Then light it with a propane flame. For safety reasons, always point the burner away from you.
  • After igniting the stuck connection, heat the bolt. Repeated heating and cooling is very effective. (2)
  • When a bolt is loosened, you can use a wrench or any other effective tool to pry it out.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

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  • What is a step drill used for?


(1) metal debris -

metal trash

(2) heating and cooling -

Video links

Tricks for removing stubborn or broken bolts | Hagerty DIY

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