How to Drill a Tubular Lock (3 Steps)
Tools and Tips

How to Drill a Tubular Lock (3 Steps)

In this article, I will teach you how to quickly drill a pipe lock.

As a handyman, I have been on several calls where I had to drill through one of them. Drilling a tube lock will take about 5 to 10 minutes if you follow my instructions correctly and have the right tools for this. This method can be great, especially if you've lost your key.

In general, to drill a tubular lock, you just need:

  1. Get your drill and 1/8" and 1/4" bits ready.
  2. Use a smaller drill in the center of the lock to make a hole.
  3. Use a larger drill bit to drill the same hole and open the lock.

I'll tell you more below.

Necessary tools and materials

  • Electric drill
  • Drill bits (use 1/8" and 1/4" sizes)
  • Protective glasses
  • Governor
  • Masking tape
  • Flat screwdriver (optional)

Procedure: how to drill a tubular lock

Step 1: Apply Masking tape to tdrill

To avoid damaging the item you are drilling into, measure and wrap ¼ inch of masking tape around the drill at its tip.

This is only to ensure that the drill does not go too deep and destroy the internal parts of the machine.

Step 2. Make a hole in the center of the lock with a smaller drill bit. 

Be sure to wear protective goggles before drilling. Using a ⅛ inch or smaller drill bit, drill through the center of the lock. This will be your starting hole.

As far as possible, drill to a depth of at least ¼ inch. Stop when you reach the end of the tape.

Step 3: Use a larger drill bit to make a second hole next to the one already drilled.

A ¼ inch drill is required to damage the lock's internal mechanisms. Start drilling a second hole in the first one you made.

A ¼ inch deep hole is usually sufficient to open the lock. However, sometimes you will have to drill up to ⅛ inch deep to get to the pin that opens the lock.

If the lock does not open after several attempts, insert a flathead screwdriver into the drilled hole and turn it until the lock body is removed.


Are tubular locks easy to pick?

Although tube locks are very strong and resistant to many forms of attack, they can be vulnerable to some lock picking methods. However, with the right tools and knowledge, tubular locks can be picked relatively easily.

The first step in opening a tubular lock is to insert the tension key into the lock groove and apply pressure. This will allow you to rotate the plug when the pins are properly aligned. Then insert the pick into the keyway and gently move it up and down until you feel it catch on the pin. When you feel the pin click into place, press the tension wrench and turn the plug until you hear a click. Repeat this process for each pin until the lock opens.

With the right tools and knowledge, tubular locks can be picked relatively easily. However, it is important to note that tubular locks are still very strong and resistant to many forms of attack. If you are unsure of your ability to pick a pipe lock, it is always best to consult with a professional locksmith.

Are keys for tubular locks universal?

Tubular keys are not universal, that is, they can only be used with tubular locks with the same groove. This is because the tubular wrench is designed to interact with the pins in a way that other wrenches cannot. While it is possible to create a universal tubular key, it would be very difficult to do so without compromising the security of the lock.

How does a tubular lock work?

Tubular locks work with a series of pins that align with the lock slot. When the correct key is inserted into the lock, the pins line up so that the plug can be turned.

However, if the wrong key is inserted, the pins will not align correctly and the plug cannot be turned.

Are a pin tumbler and a tubular lock the same thing?

No, a pin lock and a tubular lock are two different things. Pin tumbler locks use a series of pins that align with a keyway to allow the fork to turn. Tubular locks also use a series of pins aligned with the keyway, but they are shaped like cylinders rather than pins. This difference in design makes a tubular lock much more difficult to break than a pin lock.

How much power is required to drill a tubular lock?

A mains or cordless drill with a power of at least 500 watts is sufficient.

What are the most common applications for tubular locks?

They are often used in vending machines, coin-operated washers and dryers, and some bicycles.

Is it difficult to drill tubular locks?Yes, but this is not recommended. A corded drill will provide more power and make the job easier.

Drilling them is not difficult, but it takes some practice. This can be tricky if you don't have the right tools or don't know how to use them.

Can I use a cordless drill to drill a tubular lock?

Yes, but this is not recommended. A corded drill will provide more power and make the job easier.

What type of drill should be used to drill a tubular lock?

A ⅛ inch or smaller drill bit is ideal for drilling a hole in the center of the lock. The ¼" drill bit is ideal for drilling the initial hole and damaging the lock's internal mechanisms.

What are some of the most common reasons to drill tubular locks?

The most common causes are losing keys or trying to open a locked vending machine.

Summing up

Drilling tubular locks is not difficult, but it takes practice and the right tools. This can be tricky if you don't have the right tools or don't know how to use them.

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  • How to drill a hole in a granite countertop
  • How to use left hand drills

Video links

How to Drill a Tubular Lock

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