How to replace car glasses and capacitor
Auto repair

How to replace car glasses and capacitor

The points and condenser regulate the timing and density of the air/fuel mixture delivered to the spark plugs, much like modern ignition systems.

The points and capacitor on your car are responsible for the timing and power of the signal sent to your spark plugs to ignite the air/fuel mixture. Since then, electronic ignition systems have revolutionized the system of points and capacitors, but for some, it's all about family heirlooms.

Located inside the distributor cap, the points are used as a switch for the current supplied to the ignition coil. While the condenser inside the distributor (sometimes located outside or near it) is responsible for supplying a more powerful and cleaner spark, as well as keeping the contacts on the points.

No matter how complex the system is, changing and customizing them does not require much effort. Signs that your vehicle's points and capacitor need replacing include start-up failure, misfiring, incorrect timing, and rough idle.

Part 1 of 1: Replacing the Points and the Capacitor

Necessary materials

  • Thickness gauges
  • Replacement set of goggles
  • Capacitor replacement
  • Screwdriver (preferably magnetic)

Step 1: Disconnect the battery. Disconnect the negative battery cable to power off the vehicle.

  • Attention: For safety reasons, when working on a vehicle, always disconnect the battery when working on electrical systems.

Step 2: Locate and Remove the Distributor Cap. Open the hood and locate the distributor cap. It will be small, black and round (almost always). It will be located at the top of the engine, from which the ignition cables extend.

Remove the cover by unfastening the fixing latches around the perimeter. Set the cap aside.

Step 3: Disable and Delete the Point Set. To delete a set of points, locate and disconnect the terminals at the back of the points. To disconnect, remove the bolt or clasp holding the wire in the terminal.

Once the set of points has been detached, you can remove the retaining bolt. Remove the bolt on the side of the tips themselves that holds the tip set to the distributor base. After that, the points will rise.

Step 4: Remove Capacitor. With the wires and contact points disconnected, the capacitor will also be disconnected from the wiring and ready to be removed. Use a screwdriver to remove the retaining bolt securing the capacitor to the base plate.

  • Attention: If the condenser is located outside the distributor, the removal process is exactly the same. In this case, you will most likely have a second wire connected to your own terminal, which you will also have to unplug.

Step 5: Install a New Capacitor. Place the new capacitor in place and route its wiring under the plastic insulator. Hand tighten the set screw to the base plate. Route the wires under the plastic insulator.

Step 6: Set up a new set of points. Reinstall the new point set. Fasten the clamping or fixing screws. Connect the wire from the set points to the distributor terminal (including the wire from the capacitor if they use the same terminal).

Step 7: Grease Distributor. Lubricate the camshaft after setting the points. Use a small amount, but just enough to properly lubricate and protect the shaft.

Step 8: Adjust The Gap Between The Dots. Use feeler gauges to adjust the gap between the points. Loosen the fixing screw. Use a feeler gauge to adjust the gap to the correct distance. Finally, hold the pressure gauge in place and re-tighten the set screw.

Refer to the owner's manual or repair manual for the correct distance between the dots. If you don't have them, the general rule of thumb for V6 engines is 020, and for V017 engines it's 8.

  • Attention: Make sure your pressure gauge is still where you want it to be after you've tightened the locking screw.

Step 9: Assemble the Distributor. Assemble your distributor. Don't forget to put the rotor back if you decide to remove it from the distributor during this process. Return the clips to the closed position and lock the distributor cap in place.

Step 10: Restore power and check. Restore power to the vehicle by connecting the negative battery cable. After power is restored, start the car. If the car starts and idles normally for 45 seconds, you can test drive the car.

The ignition systems in your car are vital to the job. There was a point in time when these ignition components were serviceable. Modern ignition systems are completely electronic and usually have no serviceable parts. However, replacing serviceable parts on older models adds to the cost of rebuilding them. Timely maintenance of these fast moving mechanical parts is vital to vehicle operation. If the process of replacing your glasses and condenser is too prehistoric for you, count on a certified technician to replace your glasses condenser in your home or office.

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