How to replace the wiper blades
Auto repair

How to replace the wiper blades

Car wiper blades help you see what's ahead when you're driving in bad weather. Use the right size wiper blade to stay safe on the road.

Windshield wipers usually consist of two arms that rotate back and forth across the windshield to push water away from the glass. They work very similar to how a squeegee works. But while they are all very similar, not all wiper systems work the same way.

When you turn on the wipers, the switch sends a signal to the wiper module. The module then turns on the wiper motor according to the position of the switch. The wiper motor then rotates, moving the wiper arms.

Most wiper systems operate at multiple speeds. When the wipers are on, you can set them to low, high, or even a few intermittent speeds depending on what you need.

When you turn on the windshield washer, the wipers turn on and make a few strokes to clear the windshield.

Many modern cars use rain-sensing windshield wipers. This system uses sensors that monitor the ingress of water on the windshield. With the help of these sensors, the computer determines the speed at which the wipers should move.

Windshield wipers are one of the most underrated parts of your car. Most of the time we don't realize we need them until it rains.

Then, when it rains for the first time of the season, we turn on the wipers and they do nothing but smear water on the windshield. In some cases, they are bad enough to scratch the windshield, as they have completely deteriorated.

It is recommended to change the wipers once a year to keep them working as they were originally designed. Knowing how to change your wipers will help you avoid getting caught in the rain without them.

Part 1 of 1: Replacing Wiper Blades

Necessary materials

  • flat screwdriver
  • wipers for your car

Step 1: Collect materials. Before attempting to replace your windshield wiper blades, it's important to have everything you need to get the job done quickly and easily. This should be a simple repair that requires very little training, tools or parts.

Most importantly, you will need to purchase wipers. If you buy wipers from an auto parts store, you will have many different options. When it comes to wipers, you get what you pay for, so try to stay away from cheap wipers.

Also, make sure you buy wipers that are right for your vehicle. Some vehicles require a different wiper size on the passenger side and driver side.

A flathead screwdriver will be helpful if at some point during the replacement process you need to pry a little.

Step 2: Prepare your car. Park the car and turn off the ignition.

Step 3: Get access to the wipers. Raise the wipers away from the windshield for better access.

Step 4 Locate the wiper arm adapter.. Locate the small retaining tab on the wiper adapter. Here the wiper is connected to the wiper arm.

Step 5: Remove the wiper blade from the arm. Press the latch and pull the wiper blade out of the wiper arm. On some vehicles you will need to press down on the moldboard and on others you will need to pull it up.

If necessary, you can use a flathead screwdriver to pry the blade out of your hand, but be careful not to damage the locking mechanism.

Step 6: Prepare the New Wiper. Take the new viper out of the package and compare it with the old viper.

  • FunctionsA: Most new wipers come with a set of mounting adapters. Find an adapter that matches the one on the old blade and place it on the new blade.

Step 7: Install the New Wiper. Similar to removing the old wiper blade, locate the wiper arm adapter and clip the new blade into the wiper arm.

When it is properly seated, it will make a click, indicating that the latch has locked it in place.

Return the wiper to its normal operating position against the windshield.

Step 8: Check the wipers. Turn on the wipers to make sure they work properly and don't come loose from the levers.

Many new vehicles are equipped with advanced wiper systems. These systems require special care and action when replacing windshield wipers.

Many new cars are equipped with wipers that change position on the windshield over time. As the wipers wear out, the computer adjusts the position of the wipers so they don't leave any wear marks on the glass. Vehicles equipped with these wiper systems require the ECU to be reprogrammed after the wiper blades have been replaced.

In most cases, replacing wipers can be an easy task. However, if the wipers don't come off the levers easily, it can be a little more tiring. In some cases, it may be easier to have a certified mechanic, for example from AvtoTachki, come out and replace your windshield wiper blades and reprogram the computer if necessary. If you're in doubt about how often to change your wipers, or just have questions about your car's current condition, you can find your car to learn more about when it needs service.

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