How to replace the combination switch assembly
Auto repair

How to replace the combination switch assembly

Combination switches include control of the turn signals, wipers, windshield washers and high beams. Faulty switches can cause accidents.

The vehicle combination switch, also known as the multi-function switch, allows the driver to use a combination of functions with one hand. Features such as turn signals, windshield wipers, windshield washers, high beams, overtaking flash, and in some vehicles, cruise control.

A defective or malfunctioning combination switch will often exhibit symptoms such as turn signals not working, alarms not working, or intermittently causing the turn signals to not work. Making sure your headlights work in general is the main safety while driving, inspecting your car when you plan to drive can prevent accidents while driving.

Part 1 of 4: Combination Switch Access and Removal

Necessary materials

  • combination switch
  • Dielectric grease
  • Driver (1/4)
  • Screwdriver - Phillips
  • Screwdriver - Slotted
  • Socket set (1/4) - metric and standard
  • Torx screwdriver set

Step 1: Combination Switch Location. The combination switch for your vehicle is located on the right side of the steering column.

Step 2: Remove the column panels. Start by removing 2 to 4 mounting screws located under the steering column, some mounting screws are phillips, standard (slotted) or torx.

Step 3: After removing the fixing screws. Most steering column covers come off immediately, other types may need to be separated by applying pressure to the latches that hold the two pieces together.

Part 2 of 4: Removing the combination switch

Step 1 Locate the combination switch mounting screws.. The combination switch mounting screws secure the combination switch to the steering column. There should be 2 to 4 fixing screws for the combo switch, some combo switches are held by clips.

Step 2: Remove the fixing screws holding the combination switch.. Remove the fixing screws and set aside. If your combination switch is held in place by plastic tabs, release the tabs by squeezing the latches to slide out the combination switch.

Step 3: Removing the combination switch. Pull the combination switch away from the rack.

Step 4: Disconnect the combination switch. To disconnect the connector, there will be a retainer at the base of the connector. Press the tab and pull on the connector to disconnect it.

Part 3 of 4: Installing the New Combination Switch

Step 1: Apply Dielectric Grease. Take the connector and apply a thin, even layer of dielectric grease to the surface of the connector.

Step 2: Connecting the combination switch. Get a new combo switch and plug it in.

Step 3: Installing the combo switch. Align the switch with the steering column and install.

Step 4: Installing Mounting Screws. Tighten the mounting screws by hand, then tighten with the appropriate screwdriver.

Part 4 of 4: Installing the steering column covers

Step 1: Installing the column caps. Place the steering column cover on the column and tighten the fixing screws.

Step 2: Tighten the Mounting Screws. Once the mounting screws are in place, use the screwdriver required for hand tightening.

Step 3: Check the features. Now test the various functions of your combo switch to make sure the repair is complete.

The vehicle combination switch is a switch designed for the convenience and safety of the driver. A faulty switch can cause an accident that could have been avoided with the car's warning lights. Making sure your turn signals and other lights are working is safe for you and everyone around you. If you'd rather have a professional replace your combo switch, consider having one of AvtoTachki Certified Technicians perform the replacement to do it for you.

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