How is the Nissan Leaf engine replaced and when is it needed? [Forum / Grupa Fb]
Electric cars

How is the Nissan Leaf engine replaced and when is it needed? [Forum / Grupa Fb]

The Nissan Leaf Polska group has photographs of Mr. Tomasz who works at the Nissan car dealership in Norway. He showed what a Leaf 1 engine replacement looks like, and by the way, he gave some interesting statistics and announced when such a replacement would become necessary.

According to Tomas, out of several thousand SHEETS sold, the engine was replaced in only three cars (source). This means that about one and a half thousand machines failed. It’s hard to talk about a serious breakdown, because the engine still “works great”, and the only symptom of the problem is a slightly audible knock with a strong gas supply.

How is the Nissan Leaf engine replaced and when is it needed? [Forum / Grupa Fb]

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This is probably a sound similar to the one that sounded in some Tesla and which also led to the replacement of the engine:

A Nissan service employee shared another curiosity: Nissan does not plan to change the oil in the gearbox (transmission) at all. This is not surprising, because these are several constantly engaged wheels that do not move, so there is no risk of damaging them.

Editor's Note: The Nissan Leaf ZE0 is the first generation of the car. The second one currently sold is the Leaf ZE1.

Photo: Replacing the engine in the first generation Nissan Leaf (c) Mr. Tomasz / Nissan Leaf Polska

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