What does water hammer sound like?
Tools and Tips

What does water hammer sound like?

If you hear noise when you turn on the faucet or flush the toilet, your pipes need to be repaired. Here's how to tell if it's become a water hammer.

A noisy water pipe can indicate a problem such as water hammer, occasional knocking sounds, squealing pipes, or a rattling toilet. I will describe what water hammer sounds like so you can learn what it is and act accordingly.

What is water hammer?

Water hammer is a loud thud, like a constant thud or hum. Technically, this is called water hammer. However, the description of "water hammer" is appropriate because it sounds like a hammer hitting the water inside the pipes.

This often happens when you suddenly turn off a faucet or shower, but it can also happen when there is a sudden shutdown in the plumbing system.

Dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, clogged air chambers, mineral deposits, and exposed pipes can cause the same. Such actions or conditions create high pressure inside the water pipes, which causes knocking.

What is the difference between water hammer and resonance?

You may feel a strong vibration if you touch the water supply during a water hammer. In severe cases, the pipes may shake for a moment and the entire internal structure of your home may be reflected.

Before we learn how to deal with water hammer, we will learn to distinguish it from resonance. The resonance of the water is like a loud thud, but more like a "jackhammer thump". This usually happens during the flushing or filling process.

What can we do about water hammer?

Typically, water pipes in residential buildings contain air cushions to absorb the extra pressure created by the sudden closing of a faucet. However, over time they wear out.

If this problem is not addressed early, repeated water hammer can increase pipe wear. Therefore, water hammer should never be ignored. It is important to manage this to prevent further damage to your plumbing system.

We offer six solutions to deal with water hammer:

Solution 1: Turn off the supply and flush the system

If you suspect worn faucet washers or a buildup of minerals, turn off the mains water supply.

Then open all the cold water taps, starting from the top, flush all the toilets and let the water drain for half an hour.

Turn on the water supply again, wait 5-10 minutes until the water returns to normal, then close the cold water taps in reverse order. If the problem persists, slightly close the shut-off valves to reduce water flow.

Solution 2: Attach water/air chambers

The water chamber is a closed 12" pipe. It can reduce water hammer noise when connected to the supply line.

If the flow of water suddenly stops, the air inside acts as a shock absorber. Water doesn't compress, but air can. If you are using a water box, you should occasionally remove water and mineral residues that collect inside it.

Solution 3: Install water pressure regulators

A regulator may be useful if you are certain that water hammer is caused by high water pressure.

Install a regulator on the mains to protect the entire plumbing system, including your appliances. The regulator can adjust the water pressure to an ideal level below 50 psi. (1)

Solution 4: Insulate the water pipes

Insulating foam tubes can be placed over water lines to cushion their impact.

They are easy to install as they are usually pre-cut so you only need to open them up and slide them over the pipes. Not only that, but insulation can also protect your water pipes from freezing in the winter.

Solution 5: Install water hammer dampeners

A water hammer safety device is more complex than a water-air chamber.

The flame arrester is filled with gas and then sealed with a piston. The piston creates a barrier between water and gas. The arrester is usually installed at the intersection of supply pipes and stop valves. (2)

Solution 6: Check your appliance solenoid valves

If water hammer is only audible when using the instrument, you may just need to replace the solenoid valve in the instrument.

It may be acting too fast, shutting off the water, causing jolts. Just replace the solenoid valve with a new one that does not work abruptly.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • Is water hammer dangerous?
  • How to install a water hammer absorber
  • How to connect a two-wire solenoid valve


(1) psi – https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/pounds-per-square-inch-PSI

(2) water and gas - https://www.thoughtco.com/definition-of-water-gas-605785

Video link

What is Water Hammer? | DFT Inc.

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