What are the types of snow shovels?
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What are the types of snow shovels?

Snow shovel with ergonomic handle

An ergonomic snow shovel is ideal if you want to put as little strain on your back as possible.

The S-curve of the shaft minimizes painful bending, so you can keep your back straight, thereby reducing the load on the spine. Some shovels also have an adjustable shaft so you can adjust the length to suit your height and weight.

Snowplow (or shovel)

What are the types of snow shovels?The snow blower is designed to move snow by pushing it straight ahead. It is easy to use - just press the shovel into the ground.

It's not designed to lift and throw snow, it's designed to push snow off the road, which means less strain on your back.

Snow blower with wheels

(or snow blower)

What are the types of snow shovels?Alternatively, to make pushing heavy snow loads even easier, some pushers are equipped with wheels. The pushing motion requires much less effort than strenuous lifting and throwing with a shovel.

A snow blower works well with fresh snow, but be careful with snow that has hardened. The dump is more difficult to bury in dense compacted snow.

Snow sled shovel

What are the types of snow shovels?The large snowmobile shovel bucket has been designed to clear large amounts of snow in just a few strokes. Just load up as much snow as you can, take it to the sled and repeat.

Most snowplows are not designed to lift off the ground; the snow is simply pushed to its destination.

However, snow sleds can unload snow without the need for lifting; just pull the sled sharply when you come to empty it.

Telescopic snow shovel

What are the types of snow shovels?This compact shovel has a retractable shaft that can be easily extended and retracted by simply screwing and unscrewing.

A typical shovel is typically about 700mm (27") long when retracted and 800mm (32") when fully extended, ideal for a variety of heights and frames.

It's also convenient to store in the back of your car as an emergency snow shovel or to carry around in your backpack.

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