What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?
Repair tool

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?The cutting ability of a jigsaw is determined by two factors: stroke length and stroke rate (measured in strokes per minute, or strokes per minute).

The stroke length of a jigsaw is the distance the blade moves up and down when cutting. It can vary from 18 mm (¾ inch) to 26 mm (1 inch).

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?The longer the stroke of the jigsaw, the faster it can cut.

This is because more of the blade's teeth come into contact with the workpiece in one stroke.

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?Longer stroke jigsaws are more suitable for cutting thicker materials. The longer stroke allows any resulting filings or chips to be more efficiently removed from the cut. As a result, there is less stress on the blade, so it will likely last longer before needing to be replaced.

The most efficient jigsaws have a stroke length of 25-26 mm (1″).

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?On the other hand, jigsaws with a shorter stroke (about 18 mm or ¾ inch) produce a smoother but slower cut.

Because they are less efficient than longer stroke saws, the user is more likely to use these jigsaws, which can overload the tool's motor.

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?However, saws with slightly shorter strokes give the user more control because the saw produces less vibration when the blade is moved a shorter distance.

This allows these jigsaws to cut sheet metal more efficiently, which can be difficult to cut accurately if the blade vibrates a lot.

What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?While shorter-travel jigsaws are fine for occasional chores around the house, if you use your power tool regularly, a longer-travel jigsaw will better suit your cutting needs.
 What is the stroke length of the jigsaw?

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