What are the exam questions for a commercial driver's license in the United States?

What are the exam questions for a commercial driver's license in the United States?

Unlike a standard driver's license, a US commercial license carries more responsibility and therefore requires higher requirements.

The exam questions for one vary constantly from test to test to ensure the reliability of the results. Like standard licenses, commercial licenses involve passing a driving test in which you will demonstrate your skills as a driver of very specific vehicles, but to get to that point, you must pass a knowledge test, which is not more than a written test that many fear because it brings together legal issues, physical laws and information on loading and transporting certain materials. There are such questions in it.

These licenses are regulated by the federal government and grant their holders authorization to transport people or heavy loads (sometimes with hazardous materials), which is why they are not taken lightly. , hence the eligibility criteria are so strict. Although you may not know for sure what the exact questions on your test will be, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) mentions the existence of many test models that you can practice with, even recommending some that offer 50- or 100-question models online. for an affordable price.

Also, on its official site, the DMV has its own , which is very brief but works very well to give you an idea of ​​the questions that you can find when taking this exam. It is composed in the form of a simple selection and contains the following questions:

1. You should be in the habit of inspecting your cargo:

a.) Only at the beginning of the trip.

b.) Only in the middle of the trip.

c.) Before, after 50 miles and after each break during the trip.

d.) None of the above.

2. Rules governing sheltering cargo, securing cargo, where you can drive and how much your cargo can weigh:

a) They are determined by the federal government.

b.) They are determined by the local government.

c.) They are determined by the local government, the state government and the federal government.

d.) They are determined by the state government.

3. You should check your exhaust system regularly because:

a.) Smoke can pollute the air.

b.) You may be quoted.

c.) Sometimes smoke can get into the cabin and make you sick.

d.) A faulty system can cause the engine to stall.

4. Three things to remember to stop completely:

a.) Perception distance, reaction distance, reaction distance.

b.) Perception distance, reaction distance, stopping distance.

c.) Observation distance, reaction distance, deceleration distance.

d.) Road conditions, speed, perception distance.

5. You must study and pass a test before you are issued a CDL:

a.) If you are under 18 years of age.

b.) If you have never had a license before.

c.) If you plan to carry passengers and operate vehicles of a certain size and weight.

d.) Only if you plan to travel around the country.

6. If you have a breakdown or emergency, you must place reflective triangles on:

a.) 20 feet, 100 feet and 200 feet in front of oncoming traffic.

b.) 10 feet, 100 feet and 200 feet in front of oncoming traffic.

c.) 50 feet, 100 feet and 500 feet in front of oncoming traffic.

d) 25 feet, 100 feet and 250 feet in front of oncoming traffic.

7. Whenever you drive at night, you should:

a.) Make sure you are well rested.

b.) Drink plenty of coffee.

c.) Walk slowly.

d.) Always drive with high beams on.

It is important that you know that studying only with test models is not enough. Ideally, you should know very well the DMV Manual for commercial drivers corresponding to your state of residence, a tool that will provide you with all the necessary knowledge not only to pass this exam but also for your daily practice on the road.



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