What are the benefits of applying vinyl to a car instead of painting it?

What are the benefits of applying vinyl to a car instead of painting it?

Known as car wrapping, this method can last up to 3 years under ideal conditions and is the same maintenance as regular car painting.

Climatic factors such as rain, sun, dust and others can seriously affect gloss and tone of paint car, so sometimes you have to go to an agency or a tinsmith to repaint the car body.

Whether your car's paint is in poor condition or you just want to give it a new aesthetic, it's no longer necessary to paint the entire car. There is another option: put vinyl film.

This technique is known as Car winding and it has become a quick and economical way compared to conventional paint jobs, in addition to its other advantage is that it allows you to experiment with unique designs.

Vinyl is a sticky plastic that can be molded and printed with a plotter, almost any design can be made and then glued to a car. There are a number of different colors as well as different types of finishes to cover the whole car: bright, matte, carbon fiber type, etc.

It takes some practice to place it, as well as a large space to work with and a special tool to place it. Without a doubt, this is a task that requires time and dedication.

According to the portal specializing in Atraction 360 vehicles, it takes about two days to fully wrap a car, and the cost of an average car is about 4,500 pesos, based on high-quality materials and labor.

It must be taken into account that in order to place it is necessary that there are no flaws on the body such as deep bumps or scratches, otherwise the vinyl will take shape and buckling will be visible to the naked eye.

The main benefit of vinyl is that it protects the car's original paint, and in the event of scratches or dents, vinyl is easier to repair.


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