What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

As with any part of your engine, the camshaft and its sensor should be closely monitored to prevent any more serious engine problems. In this article, we have summarized for you the main symptoms of a faulty camshaft and what to do if you need to change the camshaft. play !

🚗 What is the camshaft sensor used for?

What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

The camshaft is the part of your engine that controls the opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves. Thus, the data collected by the camshaft sensor and the crankshaft sensor allows the computer to control the precise position of the valves and pistons to optimize combustion. Specifically, fuel will be injected at the right time and into the right cylinder.

?? What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

It is usually assumed that the camshaft in your engine will last the entire life of your vehicle. But there are some symptoms that could indicate the working condition of your camshaft! Here is a list of the most common symptoms indicating it's time to take your car to the garage to have the engine camshaft checked.

The engine indicator comes on:

If this warning light on the dashboard comes on, the camshaft sensor may be damaged. But it will be necessary to make sure that other symptoms support this hypothesis, because engine fire can be associated with many problems. In any case, if it's on, remember to head to the garage as soon as possible to determine the cause of the malfunction, because an engine problem is never a good sign and can lead to very costly repairs. Note that if you have the hardware, you can use the OBD2 scan tool to get diagnostic codes that will tell you exactly where the problem is coming from.

You can no longer or have great difficulty starting:

The camshaft sensor is probably faulty if you manage to start it, it works at a certain time, whereas if you don't start the sensor at all, it is completely out of order. If the camshaft sensor is defective, it will be difficult to get the information back to your car's computer. Thus, it will be more difficult to calculate the amount of injected fuel and the ignition spark will become impossible.

Your engine is running out of power:

If your sensor is defective, the engine no longer receives information from the computer correctly. Therefore, there is a risk of going into "economy" or "minimal maintenance" mode in order to avoid too much damage to other mechanical components of the engine. You may also not be able to accelerate properly.

You stall more often than usual:

Once again, if the camshaft sensor is not working properly, the injectors will not be able to perform optimally and this can cause the engine to stall suddenly. If you notice that your engine stalls frequently, do not wait and go to the garage as soon as possible to check your car, this situation can be very dangerous.

Excessive fuel consumption :

If the camshaft sensor is not working properly, the amount of fuel injected into your engine will not be calculated correctly, and in some cases, the injectors may inject too much fuel, resulting in more fuel consumption than usual.

You are experiencing transmission problems :

On some vehicles, a damaged camshaft sensor can block the transmission in one gear. You will not be able to drive your car properly without restarting the engine. Therefore, if you find yourself in such a situation, it is important to contact a professional mechanic as soon as possible to replace the camshaft sensor, because such a situation can lead to serious shutdowns.

In any case, if you notice any of these symptoms, do not wait and make an appointment with the garage as soon as possible, because a faulty camshaft can have serious consequences for your engine and thus lead to various types of breakdowns. For example, the gap valves or timing belt, premature wear buttock or injector malfunction.

🔧 How to change the camshaft sensor?

What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

Replacing an element of your engine, such as a camshaft or its sensor, requires in-depth mechanical knowledge, because any mistake can be dangerous to your safety and the safety of your passengers. If you don't feel like a handyman, it is best to have a mechanic do the repairs for you.

?? How much does it cost to replace a camshaft sensor?

What are the symptoms of a faulty camshaft sensor?

It is difficult to tell you the exact price without knowing your car model, because the price of a part can vary from one to two. The cheapest parts will set you back around € 10, while other car models can go up to € 150. At this rate, consider adding labor costs.

If you want an accurate price quote for your vehicle, you can use our online garage comparator. It's fast, easy, and you're sure to save a lot of money!

One comment

  • It stops

    I have the following problem
    For example, 2.2 d, my power suddenly dropped while driving and I started squeaking as if I didn't get fuel when I tried to restart the car, sneezing like it was -30, but when I disconnected the camshaft sensor, I started changing it and the same song

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