Which windshield heater should you choose? Pay attention to this!
Machine operation

Which windshield heater should you choose? Pay attention to this!

If you don't keep your car in the garage overnight and drive to work every morning, then a windshield defroster is what you need. Interestingly, it is not necessary to buy it at all. It's easy to make with ingredients you probably already have at home. This is a good way if you need to quickly defrost a window and there is no store or station nearby to shop.

Defroster for automotive glass - various types

Importantly, the defroster of car windows can have many options. The most common of these is the scraper, but it can scratch the glass when used and is usually just not very effective. That's why many drivers use chemical de-icers to break up the ice. But that's not all! The car may also have a built-in defroster, but this depends on the model of the particular car. For this reason, the most versatile fluids are those that can always be made or bought, so you don't have to worry about being late to work because your windshield isn't clear enough.

What kind of glass de-icer - scraper or liquid?

Which deicer to choose - mechanical or chemical? This is largely up to you, but since the scraper is just cheap, it's a good idea to have one in your garage just in case. This will definitely work better than, for example, a credit card. You can use it in an emergency when, for example, you run out of liquid or something breaks in your car. However, at very low outside temperatures, its use will not only be laborious, but also dangerous for the glass. Therefore, a water glass defroster should also be in your collection so that you can use it whenever the need arises. 

Defroster for car windows - which one to choose?

There is no shortage of car accessories and fluids on the market. That's why you're definitely wondering which car window defrosters are best.. There is no definite answer here, but you should definitely pay attention to the temperature range in which a particular product operates. In addition, you need to check how the product will be sprayed. 

Spray is often less expensive but allows for less precise application. Such products are also not suitable for very low temperatures. In turn, the sprayer has a manual pump. A quality window defroster will also protect it from dirt and another layer of frost, so sometimes it's worth investing in. Also bet on those foods that do not contain too much fat. 

Heated windshield - an opinion is important!

User reviews are something you should check before you make a purchase. Not in vain! A windshield defroster should help you get out of the house efficiently, so you should bet on a high quality product. Manufacturers can exaggerate their product and mislead you. For this reason, it is better to bet on the recommended windshield defroster. Ask for the opinions of more experienced drivers among your friends, or read opinions and testimonials about specific products. Thus, it will be easier for you to make a wise and correct decision!

When there is nothing at hand: homemade window defroster

There are days when winter simply surprises drivers. When you run out of liquid and the scraper breaks, it's worth turning to home remedies. They won't be as effective as using off-the-shelf products, but it's worth giving them a try. To make homemade window defroster, mix a cup of warm water with three cups of vinegar. The mixture prepared in this way will help you dissolve the ice on the glass, which means you can get to work faster. You can also make such a mixture with alcohol. Unfortunately, hot water on its own won't work as a window defroster and can only make matters worse, so avoid this solution. 

Electric windshield defroster 

In newer models of cars, windows are equipped with thin veins scattered over the entire surface. When you turn on the car, they begin to warm up a little and make it possible to quickly and efficiently move off, because the frost will simply melt. Of course, you can also buy an electric windshield defroster. Its cost is about 50-15 euros, it resembles a heater, but will not be as efficient as built into glass. However, sometimes it's worth giving it a try, especially if you love car gadgets and have somewhere to store them. Use this windshield de-icer with care and always follow the manufacturer's instructions! 

How much does a heated windshield cost?

Luckily, window defroster is not an expensive product. For only 10-15 PLN you can buy one that will help you in winter. For this reason, it's worth investing in this type of item and just having one just in case. Even if you keep your car in a garage, after a very cold night, the car may need some extra help. The defroster will simply speed up those processes that are necessary in any case in order to hit the road. Feel free to use all the other tools that will quickly prepare the car for a safe journey. Never drive until the windshield is completely thawed! It might just be dangerous.

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