What type of magnetic disk to choose?
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What type of magnetic disk to choose?

The basic magnetic disk is the most versatile in terms of use compared to other magnetic disks. This is the best type to use as a magnetic component in a number of different items such as cars or even the back of a pair of magnetic earrings.
What type of magnetic disk to choose?To use a magnetic disk as a fridge magnet, it is best to use a planning magnetic disk. This is because they can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making them attractive and useful accessories on the fridge.
What type of magnetic disk to choose?Countersunk head magnetic discs are useful when using a magnetic disc on a non-ferromagnetic material such as a piece of wood. They are especially useful for this task as they can be fixed to the material with a screw, so it will be a more reliable solution than a conventional magnetic disk with adhesive on one side.
What type of magnetic disk to choose?Ring magnetic discs can be used when the magnetic disc needs to be inserted into something, such as a fishing rod.

This is because the hole allows material of the same thickness to be inserted through it, due to the fact that the hole has the same diameter throughout its depth, unlike a countersunk magnetic disk. The ring magnetic disk is especially useful in speakers and computer memory.



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