

No, we are not talking about a famous ruler, one of the "founding fathers"? A Europe so powerful that the word "king" comes from his name. And also not a century later, a living dignitary of the Catholic Church. In our series, we deal only with the creators of computer science: mathematicians, logicians, engineers. If so, is he called Charlemagne? here we can define only one person: Charles (this is Karol) Babbage?

Charles Babbage.

Analytical engine? if it was actually built? it would have a considerable mass and would consist of a huge number of elements that were difficult to manufacture with the then technology. However, the calculated computing performance of the device was also impressive: adding or subtracting 40-digit numbers would take 3 seconds, multiplying or dividing (performed by consecutive additions or subtractions) would take 2-3 minutes. Moreover, the machine allowed the use of programming tricks and techniques typical of today's programming languages, such as loops, conditional instructions, and parallel processing, so it was complete in the sense that the great Alan Turing only defined in the 1871 century. The machine was built continuously by Babbage until his death in XNUMX. Here is a curiosity. The first relatively complete description of the Analytical Engine and its operation, together with a description of programming, is not Babbage's work at all, but did it come out? at the request of the builder? from the pen of the daughter of the great poet Lord Byron, who was considered for this reason the world's first programmer, beautiful and extremely mathematically gifted Eddie Lovelace. She met Babbage in 1833, at the age of 18? and was very friendly with him until her premature death from cancer at the age of 37. Her name ? HELL? it also has one of the programming languages.

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