When to change pads and discs?
Machine operation

When to change pads and discs?

When to change pads and discs? The braking system has a significant impact on driving safety. Its drives must work reliably and without delay.

Modern cars typically use disc brakes on the front axle and drum brakes on the rear wheels. Front friction linings, known as pads, discs, drums, brake pads and hydraulic system, must be reliable. When to change pads and discs? Therefore, it is recommended that the brake pads be checked regularly and replaced after the friction material has been reduced to 2 mm.

Brake discs should be checked every time the pads are replaced. Service technicians know the material thickness at which discs must be replaced. To avoid uneven braking, it is always necessary to replace two brake discs on the same axle.

Brake drums are less stressed than discs and can handle longer mileage. If damaged, they can cause the rear of the vehicle to roll over due to wheel lock. The so-called brake force regulator. Regularly check the condition of the brake drums and shoes. The pads must be replaced if the lining thickness is less than 1,5 mm or if they are contaminated with grease or brake fluid.

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