When should the battery be replaced? 5 clear signs!
Machine operation

When should the battery be replaced? 5 clear signs!

What is a battery?

An important role is played by the battery installed under the hood of the car. It is in it that the energy used to power the on-board devices or to maintain the alarm at rest is stored. It is thanks to the current collected in the battery that it is also possible to start the engine. How does the battery work? The key word here is generator. It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Then the current goes to the battery.

The design of the battery can be described in a few words. It consists of electrical cells that are connected and enclosed in one housing. Whether we're talking about a lead acid battery or an AGM battery, the common factor is the electrolyte in various forms. The poles are also an important element of the battery. It is to them that the positive and negative terminals in the car are connected.

How to recognize a weak battery?

There are several ways to recognize a dead battery. One of the first signs of wear and tear is changing the watch when parked overnight. The vehicle's electrical system is unable to maintain power. How else can you recognize a weak battery? Symptoms may include problems with the central locking or even starting the engine.

It may turn out that the driver will not have problems starting, because it is above zero outside. However, there is another problem - poor battery and engine performance. In practice, this means that the drive, although it works, has problems with the readings of various sensors. Battery powered sensors says Motointegrator.com expert.

How to check the battery?

There are several ways to test a battery. Sometimes batteries (mainly maintenance-free type) are equipped with a so-called grid. With its color, it informs the driver about the state of the battery. When it is green, the battery is charged and working. If it turns black, the tray needs to be recharged. However, it may turn out that the battery does not have a diagnostic eye. But that's not a problem yet. The driver can seek help from a mechanic who will use a battery charge tester. These types of services include workshops, which can be found on the Motointegrator.com platform - the driver can arrange an online visit to one of the tens of thousands of locations throughout our country.

Testers are also available for home use. How to choose a battery tester? Preferably in the middle price range. The driver does not need to invest in advanced devices, because he will rarely use them. The next step may be to measure the density of the electrolyte. This method will work well with healthy open cell batteries. The key to success is also checking the battery charge with a tester. Because sometimes battery problems are not due to battery damage, but due to the inefficiency of the charging system.

How much does a battery check cost? - Fortunately, these are small expenses. Even if the mechanic also checks the battery charge, the price of a workshop service, which can be found on our platform, should not exceed 50 or 6 euros / euros, says Motointegrator.com expert.

How do I charge the battery?

Very often, battery problems in a car occur due to short distance driving and undercharging. Therefore, before the winter season, it is worth using a rectifier to replenish the energy reserve in the battery. How to charge the battery? It's actually quite simple. Simply connect the charger to a battery with the correct poles and start the device. Most chargers currently available work on the basis of automatic mode - the device independently selects the charging parameters.

How much to charge the battery? It is best to allocate 10-12 hours for this. Unfortunately, this process takes time. Slow replenishment of electricity is much more beneficial for the battery. What current to charge the battery in a situation where the driver has a choice? Experts recommend that the current should be one tenth of its capacity.

How often should a car battery be changed?

It is very difficult to accurately determine the specific interval after which it will be necessary to replace the battery. It all depends on the load on the battery. In the case of older cars, the power supply could only detect a malfunction after a decade. Modern cars with a start/stop system may require battery replacement after 3-4 years.

What battery to buy? This is another question that the driver must answer. This is where the owner's manual can come in handy. It indicates the optimal parameters of the battery. The suitability of the battery for the vehicle is critical. For example, starting current that is too low can make the motor unable to start. Different parameters and different technologies determine significant discrepancies in the cost of acquiring a battery. Prices start from 150-20 euros and in extreme cases can exceed 100 euros.

How to replace the battery? In many cases, this is a simple task. In theory, all you need to do is unplug the clamps in the old battery and unscrew it - it's secured with a screw on the bottom of the battery or with a metal tie. In the case of new vehicles, after installing the battery, it must be calibrated. It is worth looking for the nearest workshop that will do this on Motointegrator.com.

How to choose a battery?

In the previous paragraph, we talked about the importance of choosing a battery. But what parameters should be taken into account? The main one is the battery capacity, which is expressed in Ah, i.е. Amp hours. In addition, the so-called cold start current (expressed in A - Amps) or even the dimensions of the battery. Polarity is also very important as it determines the position of the battery terminals. The wrong choice may make it impossible to connect the car to a new battery if the cables are too short.

When buying a new battery, a motorist will have to think about one more parameter. This is the type of battery. There are a number of technologies on the market including lead acid, gel, AGM, EFB, AFB and ECM. Luckily, the battery mount is pretty versatile. Moreover, two solutions are mainly used - the lower plate or the upper immobilizing bar.

How to choose a car battery? - This is a common question that mechanics get asked. Fortunately, they can react quite quickly. They have battery manufacturers' catalogs where you can check the factory settings. Search engines are also helpful. The mechanic enters the vehicle data there and receives information about which battery will be optimal. says Motointegrator.com expert.

Elenia Gora

Batteries in Przezmierowo

Zori batteries

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