Air conditioning in the car. What should be checked?
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Air conditioning in the car. What should be checked?

Air conditioning in the car. What should be checked? In the season of high temperatures, every driver wants to enjoy the coolness behind the wheel, so before the heat sets in, you should take care of the air conditioner in the car.

The air conditioning system not only reduces the temperature in the car in summer, but also dries the air and cleans it of dust suspended in it, which strives to enter the driver's cab from the outside. Unfortunately, for everything to work properly, you need to prepare the air conditioning system before the summer season. Of the many ways to ensure optimal operation of the air conditioner, three of the most effective can be distinguished. Thanks to the following treatments, we will get clean and cool air in the car interior and prevent malfunctions of the air conditioning system during its most intensive use.


The air conditioning system primarily cools the air. At the same time, ideal conditions are created in the ventilation ducts and on the surface of the evaporator for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi. – When an unpleasant, musty smell begins to come out of the ventilation holes, this means that the air conditioner was not disinfected in a timely manner or poor-quality products were used. Professional measures make it possible not only to clean the system of dirt accumulated in the channels and on the evaporator, but, above all, to disinfect it, that is, to remove bacteria and fungi, explains Krzysztof Wyszynski, Product Manager of Würth Polska, specializing in sales of products for professionals. .in. from the auto industry. – Only products for which the distributor has a biocidal registration certificate and the authorization number is indicated on the label can be used for disinfection. Only after using such a preparation can we be sure that, along with the dirt, we got rid of bacteria and fungi from the air conditioning system of our car. Sufficiently long spray probes and evaporator pressure cleaning systems guarantee coverage of all elements of the air conditioning system, effective cleaning and disinfection, adds Krzysztof Wyszyński.

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The main advantage of disinfectants is the removal of bacteria and fungi that remain in the installation pipes and can cause allergic reactions. Professional disinfection of all plant elements also reduces unpleasant odors caused by dirt and microorganisms.

Replacing the cabin air filter

Along with disinfection, it is worth replacing the cabin filter, which is one of the main elements where accumulations of fungi and bacteria multiply, causing allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. - The cabin filter is responsible for cleaning the air entering the driver's cab from the outside. The method of use directly affects the frequency of its replacement. A car that is used for long-distance trips requires less filter changes than one that is used in the city or on gravel roads, where there is a lot of dust in the air, explains Krzysztof Wyszyński. – Filters have limited capacity and when they lose their efficiency they stop working. Experience shows that activated carbon filters work best, especially if car travelers are prone to allergies. The cabin filter must be replaced after disinfection of the air conditioning system, the expert adds.

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Regular inspection

Regularity is important in running an air conditioning system. - Disinfection of the air conditioning system should be carried out at least once a year, and preferably twice - in the spring and autumn seasons. Thanks to this, the air conditioning system will be clean during the hot season and we will not leave it for the winter holidays filled with microorganisms that appeared in the summer. If “the air conditioner stinks”, then the system needs to be disinfected a few months earlier,” the expert explains. However, if the air conditioner in the car has been running for several years without the required intervention, ordinary cleaning may not give the expected effect. Then it may be necessary to disassemble all the elements, carry out an intensive cleaning / disinfection, or replace parts with new ones. In addition to the ventilation ducts, all parts that affect the comfort of users are damaged and contaminated. Therefore, especially if regular inspection has not been carried out before, it is worth checking the operation of all its parts.

– It is usually the failure of the compressor, evaporator and/or condenser that causes the air conditioning system to malfunction. They are the main components of the entire air conditioning system. If they have not been checked before, a check may be required, which includes dismantling the plant and manually removing the dirt or replacing it with new ones, explains Krzysztof Wyszyński. – The air conditioning system and refrigerant level must also be checked for leaks every 2-3 years. If necessary, this factor should be supplemented / replaced with the appropriate oil for the compressor, he adds.

One of the main causes of air conditioner failure is compressor jamming. To avoid this, in addition to checking the coolant and oil levels in the system, run the air conditioner for at least 15 minutes at least once a month. Only during the operation of the system is it possible to lubricate the compressor with oil, which is supplied to it along with the refrigerant during the operation of the air conditioner.

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