kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?
Machine operation

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

1 kW, how many km - calculator kW per km

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

The designation "horsepower" appeared in the nomenclature of engine manufacturers in the XNUMXth century. It was a response to the so-called steam horse, indicating the power of a steam engine compared to horsepower.

However, over time, thanks to James Watt, the power unit of the machine was classified according to the work performed in a certain time. Based on it, it was concluded that when converting 1 kilowatt into horsepower, the result in horsepower is 1,36.

Convert HP in kW

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

Everything would be fine if there were no discrepancies in the nomenclature and calculation of individual power units of engines. As for PS(To Pferdester) means the same as horsepower, this is already BHP (brake Horse Power supply) is a slightly different unit. It is used to determine the power of an internal combustion engine, taking into account the resistance of the transmission system. Therefore, it is common for vehicles bearing health and safety labels to have a lower number indicating the power of the unit. The kW conversion in this case is as follows: 1 kW = 1,34 hp. The value is lower because the measurement is made on a dynamometer and not in the laboratory of the engine itself.

Why Use a kW to HP Converter and hp converter in kW?

Since the official unit of measurement is kW, why is this parameter converted to hp? The point is simple - horsepower still works very well on the imagination of drivers. Therefore, sometimes you may wonder how to convert kW to hp. Manufacturers understand this mechanism very well and often design engines with a round horsepower rating.

kW to km - converter

For example, many cars have 90, 100, 150 or 190 hp. Less aesthetic figures are less common, such as 71, 86, 117, 149 hp. So it's pretty much a marketing ploy that still works. An example would be a powerful 12-litre V6.5 engine that puts out 1013 hp, but for market needs, the value is likely to be 1000 hp. Today, other quantities are compared with horsepower. One of them is the weight of the car. Cars with a lower km/kg ratio are considered sportier and better.

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

In the vocabulary of tuners and power freaks, there is also the horsepower per liter capacity ratio. Until recently, for gasoline engines of sports cars, obtaining 100 hp from 1000 cm3 there was nothing special about it. Today, such values ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbare on the agenda in city cars, they can often be found in diesel units. Motor power in kW is not very popular and does not sell well.

As you can see, these questions are quite complex and easy to get confused - especially for a non-specialist in matters related to the automotive industry. If you are one of those people, use our hp calculator. in kW.

Power Conversion - kW to HP

There are situations in the automotive industry where knowledge of horsepower can really come in handy. This is due to the fact that the power in kilowatts is indicated in the vehicle data sheets and other official documents. Thus, a power meter can be useful to you when buying or selling a car in order to determine the version of its engine. These values ​​are also worth knowing when choosing spare parts and accessories. Many retailers use KM values ​​to make life easier for shoppers.

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

How to convert kW to hp – kilowatt to horsepower?

The easiest way is to use a ready-made power meter, which you will find at the top of the article, which will convert kW to horsepower for you. Thanks to him, you can easily calculate the power of the engine and certainly will not be mistaken.

But this is not the only option. You can independently calculate kW in hp, hp. in kW, kW in hp or hp pm. You just need to know the converters for converting kW to hp. and other units. They look like this:

  • 1 kW = 1,36 km;
  • 1 hp = 0,74 kW;
  • 1 kW = 1,34 hp;
  • 1 HP = 0,99 HP

kW to hp – The engine power calculator is a useful tool for converting units of measure

kW to horsepower converter - how to convert kilowatts to horsepower and is it worth using an engine power calculator?

A power meter is a very useful solution if you don't have the time or desire to calculate the values ​​yourself. There are many online power meters at your disposal. You can easily find them on the Internet. Remember that although kW is derived from the SI system of units (1 kilowatt equals 1000 watts), horsepower is not an SI unit.

With these simple and intuitive tools, you'll instantly calculate your results without having to convert watts to horsepower yourself. kW to hp calculators can give you the most commonly used power units for each machine.

Frequently Asked Questions: Converting power from kW to hp

1 kW is how many hp?

1 kW is 1.36 km.

55 kW is how many hp?

55 kW is 74.8 km.

35 kW is how many hp?

35 kW is 47.6 km. 

77 kW is how many hp?

77 kW is 104.72 km.

66 kW is how many hp?

66 kW is 89.76 km.

92 kW is how many hp?

92 kW is 125.12 km.

63 kW is how many hp?

63 kW is 85.68 km.

70 kW is how many hp?

70 kW is 95.2 km.

135 kW is how many hp?

135 kW is 183.6 km.

125 kW is how many hp?

125 kW is 170 km. 

180 kW is how many hp?

180 kW is 244.8 km.

65 kW is how many hp?

65 kW is 88.4 km.

47 kW is how many hp?

47 kW is 63.92 km.

85 kW is how many hp?

85 kW is 115.6 km. 

170 kW is how many hp?

170 kW FOR 231.2 KM.

165 kW is how many hp?

165 kW is 224.4 km.

140 kW is how many hp?

140 kW is 190.4 km.

2.2 kW is how many hp?

2.2 kW is 2.72 km.

40 kW is how many hp?

40 kW is 54.4 km.

150 HP how many kW?

150 kW is 204 km.

130 kW is how many hp?

130 kW is 176.8 km.

60 kW is how many hp?

60 kW is 81.6 km.

250 kW is how many hp?

250 kW is 340 km.

140 HP how many kW?

140 kW is 190.4 km.

9 kW is how many hp?

9 kW is 12.24 km.

114 kW is how many hp?

114 kW is 155 km.

12 kW is how many hp?

12 kW is 16.32 km.

46 kW is how many hp?

46 kW is 62.56 km.

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