Do the rugs leave streaks on the glass? It's time for a replacement!
Machine operation

Do the rugs leave streaks on the glass? It's time for a replacement!

Good visibility has a significant impact on road safety, and its basis is a clean windshield and efficient wipers. Unfortunately, many drivers ignore warning signs such as windshield streaks, squeaking, or weaker water collection. In today's article, you'll learn when to change your wipers and how to extend their lifespan.

What will you learn from this post?

  • How do you know when it's time to replace the wipers?
  • How to choose the right wipers for your car?
  • What can I do to make the wipers wear out more slowly?

Shortly speaking

Stains, squeaks, glass bouncing, and poor water collection are a clear sign that it's time to replace your windshield wiper blades.... In stores, you can find cheaper articulated knives and more expensive frameless knives that are quieter and more efficient. We always select wipers depending on the make and model of the car.

Do the rugs leave streaks on the glass? It's time for a replacement!

How do you know when it's time to change the wipers?

Typically, manufacturers indicate the lifespan of their wipers is 6-12 months.but a lot depends on how they are used. Under no circumstances should the alarming symptoms be ignored, because Efficient wipers are the foundation of safe drivingespecially in autumn and winter. If you notice streaks on your windshield, try cleaning your wiper blades with a soft cloth first - they may just be covered in dirt. Did not help? Time for a replacement! However, streaks are not the only sign of worn wiper blades. Uneven work, jumping on glass, worse collection of water, squeaks and squeaks - These signs should also bother you.

How to choose the right wipers?

To ensure that the rugs are of the correct length and shape, they should be selected according to the make and model of the vehicle... There are two main types of wipers in stores. Cheaper models with an articulated frame have a metal frame that presses the rubber against the glass.... Second view frameless wiperswhich are often called "bananas". Due to the lack of a metal clip, they adhere better to glass and are quieter. But their drawback is the price - for a set of decent "bananas" we will pay about 80 zlotys, and for a set of rugs with a frame - about 50 zlotys. However, this is not worth saving, because the effectiveness of the wipers directly affects the visibility and road safety. It is best to bet on models from trusted brands such as Bosch or Valeo. Inexpensive market products are most often made from low-quality materials. There is a high risk of their rapid wear, so the savings are only obvious.

How to replace wipers?

Replacing wipers is a simple undertaking that every driver should do. Let's start by dismantling the old feathers. In most car models, it is enough to place the wipers in an upright position, press the latch located where it connects to the lever, and gently slide the used brush. It is worth being careful - the metal lever can easily scratch or damage the glass. To install new blades, follow the same steps, but in reverse order - put the mop on the mount and secure with a latch. Some models also require setting up a special adapter.

What can I do to make the wipers wear out more slowly?

To prolong the life of your wipers, keep the glass clean first.. The sand and dirt particles that collect on it act on the feather rubber like sandpaper. On rainless days, we never use the wipers dry - spray the windscreen with washer fluid before use. A dry surface means greater friction which accelerates the wear of the rubber. In winter, we do not detach the wipers from the frozen windows, let alone try to turn them on. We always wait for them to unfreeze or use a special defroster that significantly speeds up this process. The last important point is washer fluid quality - the cheapest products not only stink, but can also lead to faster wear of rubber.

Take care of road safety and do not ignore the alarms of the wipers. If it's time to trade, visit You will find quality pens from trusted manufacturers.


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