Short review, description. Lomovozy MMZ lomovoz on the chassis KamAZ-65115

Short review, description. Lomovozy MMZ lomovoz on the chassis KamAZ-65115

A scrap truck (metal truck) based on the chassis of a KAMAZ-65115 automobile with a MAYMAN-110S (MM-110) hydraulic manipulator with a grab for scrap metal is designed for loading, unloading and transporting metal waste (scrap metal) at the enterprises for scrap harvesting and scrap processing, preparation and processing of other secondary raw materials .

Technical characteristics of the MMZ scrap truck on the KamAZ-65115 chassis:

Body volume30 m3
Body wall thickness, not less4 mm
Body bottom thickness, not less5 mm
Crane load moment11 tm
Maximum reach of the boom7,8 m
Maximum crane capacity3,7 t

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