Who is obliged to pass when the road narrows
Auto repair

Who is obliged to pass when the road narrows

Who is obliged to pass when the road narrows

There are times when drivers, especially beginners, do not understand who should let pass whom. Sometimes such difficulties arise when the path narrows. In such a place, ignorance of traffic rules can lead to an unpleasant accident. Let's find out who must pass if the path narrows.

Imagine that you are moving along the road and suddenly there is a sign ahead: the road is narrowing. Who is inferior to whom in this situation? To cope with this, you just need to look at the traffic rules that you were forced to learn to holes in a driving school. But, having received the rights, at least sometimes we forget to look through this very important book for the motorist.

Who is obliged to pass when the road narrows

The road can be narrowed in different ways: on the left side, on the right side, on both sides. If the narrowing occurs on the right, then the two lanes become one, and the right row merges with the left. According to the rules, the main thing in this case will be a bang that does not taper. Therefore, if you are driving in the right lane, you must give way to those who are driving straight in the left lane. Before making a maneuver, you must turn on the left turn signal, stop at the narrowing of the lane, let everyone who walks ahead in the left lane, and only after that change lanes to the left.

Who is obliged to pass when the road narrows

If the left lane narrows, then the same principle: let those who travel in the right lane pass, and only if there are no obstacles, change lanes. If there are three lanes and the narrowing occurs both on the left and on the right, then the rule also does not change: drivers on the lane that does not narrow have an advantage. But if there are cars in both the extreme right and the extreme left lane, which have a narrowing, who should miss? The one who is driving on the extreme left lane must give way to the one who is driving straight, and the one who is changing lanes from the right lane, as an obstacle on the right.

But in real life, the narrowing of the road is a potentially dangerous situation that requires drivers to know the rules of the road. The path can be narrowed both due to temporary changes, such as repairs, and in permanent conditions. So if you often pass this section and have already noticed that the road is narrowing, make it a habit to follow the rules.

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