Tea tree oil: not only for care! 10 uses for tea oil
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Tea tree oil: not only for care! 10 uses for tea oil

Few things can be used as widely as tea oil! This is a true orchestral product that works well both in the treatment and treatment of infections and in disinfection.

Most of the oils that are commonly used in cosmetics can also be used for other purposes. Tea oil, as one of the most versatile oils available on the market, can be used not only in grooming, but also in the garden or cleaning! Check out why you should have it in your home! We advise how to use it and how to choose the highest quality product.

Tea tree oil - composition and origin 

This product is derived from the tea tree. This is a natural plant from Australia. It is worth remembering that the tea tree and tea bushes, the leaves of which are used to make tea, are two different species. The former are not suitable for preparing a fragrant infusion. However, their leaves hide a precious oil with healing properties.

Tea tree oil is made up of over 100 different substances. The most important of these include cineol and terpinen-4-ol, the active ingredients that give it its unique properties.

Tea tree leaves are a healing ingredient deeply rooted in Australian Indigenous traditions. Aboriginal people crushed them to obtain valuable oil or used them for body compresses.

Tea oil - properties 

This light yellow oil with a pleasant delicate aroma is a natural bactericide and fungicide. Accelerates healing, soothes inflammation and boosts immunity. Terpinen-4-ol contained in it increases the activity of white blood cells, which helps the body fight infections, and also kills viruses, bacteria and fungi.

How to use it? We've rounded up ten of the most popular uses for this versatile oil. In the case of therapeutic applications, it is worth remembering to consult a doctor every time about the use of oil. It does not replace pharmacological agents, but may support therapy.

#1 Acne skin therapy

Are you struggling with acne? Rubbing the skin with tea oil or using beauty products containing tea oil is a great way to get rid of acne. Facial care plays a key role here. The reason for the appearance of this type of imperfection is the accumulation of bacteria at the mouth of the sebaceous glands, and as a result, the formation of inflammation. You can apply tea tree oil on your face by adding a few drops to your night cream. 

#2 Regulation of sebum secretion

It is also worth knowing that tea oil normalizes the sebaceous glands. Excessive sebum production contributes to breakouts and clogged pores. Tea tree oil for acne is a great solution, especially if you are using other measures. Oily skin will love it!

#3 Ringworm Therapy

Tea oil has a strong antifungal effect, so it is considered one of the most effective natural remedies for fungal infections. Tea oil, applied to nails or feet covered with fungal infections, will help you cope with the disease. You can rub the affected areas or take a bath with a few drops of the product. When using tea tree oil on nails, you can simply rub the preparation into the nail plate.

#4 Burn healing

The oil promotes wound healing, so it can be used as a remedy for burns. The remedy will soothe inflamed skin and prevent the development of possible infections.

#5 Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is a condition associated with a fungal infection. This is facilitated by a violation of the microbiome, as well as problems with the production of sebum. Tea oil will help you solve this problem due to its antifungal properties and the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It is best to add a few drops to your favorite shampoo.

#6 Pest Control in the Garden

Have your plants been attacked by a fungus? Or maybe you are fighting an ant or aphid infestation? Spray them with tea oil. This is a natural way to get rid of pests without the use of chemicals, and is not necessarily safe if you are growing edible plants.

#7 Cleaning

Want to avoid using chemical cleaners at home? Tea oil can be a great substitute as it kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is worth mixing it with vinegar, for example, to prepare a XNUMX% natural cleanser.

#8 Cleaning the mouth

If you love nature, use tea oil mixed with water instead of an alcohol-based mouthwash.

#9 Applying deodorant

You can use tea oil as a natural deodorant. It doesn't work as a blocker to prevent sweating, which isn't great at all. However, it has an antibacterial effect, and it is the proliferation of bacteria that causes an unpleasant odor.

#10 Psoriasis Therapy

This ailment is associated with the formation of dry itchy spots on the body. Tea tree oil soothes itching, accelerates wound healing and disinfects any micro-wounds.

Tea tree oil is a truly versatile ingredient. It is worth having it in your home, especially if you are focusing on naturalness and environmental friendliness.

You can find more beauty tips in our passion I care about beauty.


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