Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, BMW: luxury cars up to $400 a month

Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, BMW: luxury cars up to $400 a month

If you're planning on paying a monthly payment of $400 or less for a new luxury car, then you might find your opportunity in the Mercedes-Benz GLA, Alfa Giulia, BMW 2 Series, and Buick Encore GX models, according to Cars US News.

Today, it is not necessary to have huge sums of money in the bank to have access to a new luxury car. It was on this principle that we were guided by experts to find 4 new luxury cars with the best price at the moment:

1- Mercedes-Benz GLA 2021

Starting price: $4,003.

Monthly: $399 (U.S. Automotive News)

The 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA can be driven by a 9-speed automatic transmission equipped with a V8 type engine that can produce up to 416 horsepower. Its economy allows it to travel from 17 to 19 miles per gallon of gasoline in a tank that can hold up to 26.4 gallons, and it has room for 5 passengers in the cabin.

2- Alfa Romeo Giulia 2021

Starting price: $6,000.

Monthly: $399 (U.S. Automotive News)

The 2021 Alfa Romeo Giulia can be driven by an 8-speed automatic transmission equipped with a V6 type engine that can produce up to 505 horsepower. The fuel economy allows it to go from 17 to 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline in a tank that can hold up to 15.3 gallons, and there is room for 5 passengers in the cabin.

3- BMW 2 Series 2021

Starting price: $4,449.

Monthly: $339 (U.S. Automotive News)

The 2 BMW 2021 Series can be driven by an 8-speed automatic transmission equipped with a V4 type engine that can produce up to 228 horsepower. The fuel economy allows it to go from 24 to 33 mpg of gasoline in a tank that can hold up to 13.2 gallons, and there is room for 5 passengers in the cabin.

4- Buick Encore GX 2021

Starting price: $3,485.

Monthly: $225 (U.S. Automotive News)

The 2021 Buick Encore GX can maneuver at a variety of automatic speeds, powered by a V3-type engine that can make up to 137 horsepower. The fuel economy allows it to travel from 28 to 31 miles per gallon of gasoline in a tank that can hold up to 13.2 gallons, and there is room for 5 passengers in the cabin.

It is important to note that the prices described in this text are in US dollars.


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