Modified IAS-W
Military equipment

Modified IAS-W

Station MSR-W in the first two-antenna version.

Ten years is a very long time for electronic devices and software. It is enough just to compare the technical solutions and functionality of a home computer, TV or mobile phone ten years ago and today. The same, and even more so, applies to military radio-electronic equipment. This is increasingly noticed by the Ministry of National Defense of Poland, which, during the scheduled maintenance of such devices, usually of Polish design and production, also orders their modernization, allowing them to be brought up to the latest available standards. Recently, this happened with the MSR-W air reconnaissance stations from Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne SA.

In 2004-2006, six MSR-W mobile electronic intelligence stations developed and manufactured by Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne SA from Zielonka near Warsaw were delivered to the Polish Army's electronic intelligence units. These complexes, which replaced the POST-3M (Lena) airborne radar reconnaissance systems in service and supplemented the POST-3M stations, upgraded - also by WZE SA - to the POST-MD standard (six pieces), are used for RETI / ESM ( Electronic Intelligence/Electronic Support Measures), i.e. radio intelligence. The main purpose of this mobile system is that all equipment is placed in a Sarna-type body on the chassis of a Star 266 / 266M off-road vehicle in a 6 × 6 layout - detecting the operation of electronic (radar) devices, mainly installed on board aircraft and helicopters, but not only, operating in the frequency range of 0,7-18 GHz. MSR-Z, equipped with fully digital equipment, detects the following radio-electronic systems: airborne radar stations for observing the earth's surface, target designation and meteorological; aviation navigation systems; radio altimeters; interrogators and transponders of self-identification systems; to some extent also ground-based radar stations. The station can not only detect the fact of radiation, classify the received signals, but also determine the sources of radiation based on the characteristics of the operation of devices that emit electromagnetic waves, and compare this data with the data contained in

in databases created as a result of previous diagnostics. Recorded emissions are archived in databases for analysis and accurate signal recognition. The station can take the direction finding of the detected radiation sources, as well as, with the cooperation of at least two stations, determine their position in space by triangulation.

In the basic version, the MSR-W can simultaneously track up to 16 routes of air objects. The station is manned by three soldiers: a commander and two operators. It is worth adding that the main elements of the station's equipment (including receivers) are of Polish design and manufacture, as well as the software developed in Poland.

The MSR-W stations delivered in 2004-2006 were produced in two different batches. The first three stations had a two-antenna surveillance and tracking unit, with a space surveillance antenna (WZE SA design) and a directional tracking antenna (Grintek from South Africa, now Saab Grintek Defense), they also used wired communication and data transmission systems. Three more have already been delivered in a modified version (unofficially called Model 2005) with an integrated Grintek antenna assembly on a single telescopic mast. A communication and data transmission subsystem was also introduced, allowing interaction with the WRE Wołczenica unit management system based on communication in the OP-NET-R network.

The operating experience of the MSR-1 stations in parts was very good, but it was time to repair them. However, the governor decided that on this occasion the stations would be unified and modified. The work was handed over to the plant manufacturer Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne SA, and the corresponding contract with the 2014st regional logistics base was concluded in June 22. It concerns the overhaul and modification of all six stations. The contract value is PLN 065 (net) and the works must be completed by 365.

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