Can I lose my vehicle registration certificate due to improper lighting?
Machine operation

Can I lose my vehicle registration certificate due to improper lighting?

Driving in the wrong light is very dangerous, so don't forget about setting it up correctly. Headlights that are too dim or headlights shining in the wrong direction can cause many accidents, especially involving pedestrians. Drivers often do not realize the importance of good visibility. They also usually assume in advance that the headlights in their vehicles are positioned correctly and that the quality of the installed bulbs does not matter. Meanwhile, for a ray of light that poorly illuminates the road, a police officer can issue a ticket and even receive a registration certificate.

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Shortly speaking

The machine must always have working lighting. Faulty lights are a hazard on the road and are thus an excellent reason to get a fine or even keep your license plate. Driving with dirty headlights or installing a range of additional lighting elements on the car can have a similar effect. Also, do not forget about the headlight setting, which must be correct - otherwise it can blind other drivers, which is also subject to at least a fine.

Light bulb burned out

Do not take car headlights lightly, but systematically check that all headlights are on... Be aware that incomplete coverage may be a valid ticket. Focus not only on the low beam, but on all the bulbs one after the other. If any of these have burned out, be sure to replace them before embarking on the tour. If you travel with defective lamps, you will incur a fine as well as a fine. collection of registration certificatebecause driving a car with insufficient lighting is dangerous on the road. This state of affairs allows you to stop the movement of the car.

You should always drive. spare lamps, thanks to which you can pull over to the side of the road at any time and replace the burned-out copies. Additional lights in the trunk will save you from collecting a registration certificate, and maybe even from a fine.

Lamp setting

Very important installation of headlights in the car... Many drivers do not pay attention to this, and this is one of the most important topics. An incorrectly directed beam of light will blind other road users. Not only drivers, but also pedestrians and cyclists. This is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, which, in addition to discomfort, can be one of the causes of an accident. Headlights should be installed in such a way that they illuminate the road in front of the vehicle well, without dazzling others. For driving with incorrectly adjusted headlights, the police can issue a ticket and pick up a registration document. If you are not sure if your headlights are positioned correctly, and do not want to "tinker" with them yourself, contact a specialist.

Can I lose my vehicle registration certificate due to improper lighting?

Cleanliness Matters Too

Dirty headlights can be a serious hazard on the road. The dirtier the lamps, the worse the visibility. All because of the emitted light beam, which in the case of cloudy lampshades will not be as effective, As always. Mud is a hazard, especially in winter when snow falls on the headlights and slush on the streets hits the car. Such wet slime can even freeze, forming an impractical layer on the surface of the lamps. It is worth remembering to always check the condition of the headlights when getting into the car - if they are covered with mud or snow, they should be restored. Failure to do so can be costly – you could be fined or even fined. collection of registration certificate (for example, when the lamps are very dirty and / or frozen).

Only light bulbs are “legal”

There are a lot of light bulbs on the market, which every now and then manufacturers advertise unusual properties... Even if you are susceptible to this superlative degree, never buy light sources only on pulsed and commercial terms. Always decide approved lamps and preferably only well-known brands... Any unnamed replacement could be hazardous to the headlights or even illegal (for example, due to their power or the color of the light emitted).

Can I lose my vehicle registration certificate due to improper lighting?

Legal coverage also applies to all additional gadgets... Some car owners really want to install any type of vehicle on their car. LED elementsfor example: antenna, rim, washer or license plate light. Such additional lights are illegal as they can not only blind other road users, but also disorient them, especially at night. An unusually lit car attracts attention and does not always generate positive reviews.

Both lamps without permission, wrong color or wattageи additional vehicle lighting have the right to obtain a certificate of registration.

You may encounter dirty or misaligned headlights. not only with a fine, but also with the preservation of the registration certificate... The journey may end in a similar way if any of the light bulbs are burned out. Even if all the lamps in your car are on, always have them with you. spare copiesSo in the event of a lamp failure, it can be replaced immediately. Also, ditch the kitschy gadgets that are supposed to light up the car - they are not as attractive, and certainly not worth losing your registration because of them.

If you are looking legal light bulbs and additional lighting elements inside the car, be sure to check the offer I avtotachki.cowhere we offer only high quality, original products with approval.

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