Can I replace the coolant with water?

Can I replace the coolant with water?

Have you ever thought about filling your cooling system with water to save money? Well know that it is a mistake not to make! In this article, we will tell you why pump coolant with water is strongly discouraged!

🚗 Should I use coolant or water?

Can I replace the coolant with water?

Can I use water to cool my car? Simply put, no! In theory, you might think there is enough water to cool your car's engine. Unfortunately, this is wrong, because if that were enough, no coolant would be used.

Water evaporates very easily on contact with a hot engine and freezes at negative temperatures.

Thus, the coolant is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, not only to cope with winter but also to withstand very hot summers.

Good to know: Do not fill the reservoir with a fluid other than the one previously used. Why ? Because it the mixture can cause clogging cooling system your engine... And whoever says, connect the circuit, he says that the problem is poor fluid circulation and cooling!

?? What type of coolant should I choose?

Can I replace the coolant with water?

Starting with the NFR 15601 standard, there are three types and two categories of coolants. Rest assured, this is not as difficult as it sounds!

The types correspond to the resistance of the liquid to cold and heat, and the category tells us about its origin and composition. Note that you can find out the category of a liquid just by looking at its color!

Various types of coolant

Can I replace the coolant with water?

Coolant categories

Can I replace the coolant with water?

Due to the very high technical requirements of modern engines, the use of Type C fluids is not recommended.

So which type of coolant should you choose? We recommend type D or G fluids:

  • They are more environmentally friendly
  • They are more efficient for new engines.
  • They have a longer service life than minerals (type C).

A new type of liquid has appeared, called a hybrid. It contains products of mineral and organic origin. Its main asset: it has an average lifespan of 5 years!

You thought save money replacing the coolant with water? Luckily you have read our article because the opposite is true! If you are still in doubt about which liquid to choose, the easiest way is to call one of our Verified garages.

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