My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

If the air conditioner in your car is no longer cold, you will probably need charge your air conditioner at the locksmith. But sometimes the problem comes from somewhere else, such as the failure of an air conditioner condenser. The mechanic examines the entire system to troubleshoot the problem.

?? Why isn't my car air conditioner cold anymore?

My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

Le air conditioner, especially if it is automatic or adjustable, very difficult, and even more so if your car is recent. Thus, the origins of an air conditioning system in which there is no longer cold or even no air is very diverse.

If the air conditioner in your car is no longer cold, it could be due to:

  • Un refrigerant gas level too low ;
  • One leaky refrigerant tank ;
  • Un capacitor defective ;
  • Un regulator that no longer works ;
  • One bullets, A clutch pulley or compressor HS ;
  • of sensors that no longer work.

Good to know: Please note that recharging should be done every 2-4 years depending on the model, or even less frequently for the latest highly reliable models.

🚗 The air conditioner is no longer cold: what to do?

My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

When your air conditioner blows out only hot air or no air at all, it is difficult to determine the cause of the problem. But two manipulations are still possible. First turn on the air conditioning system at full power and start the engine. You can now perform the following checks:

  • Listen carefully to discover abnormal noise... If so, it probably comes from your compressor that needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • Feel so scents invade your cabin. If this is the case, there may be a leak that must be repaired and at the same time the cabin filter must be replaced.

In most cases, an air conditioner that is no longer cold will need to be recharged. The air conditioner needs to be recharged. every xnumx years O. If this does not last long enough, there may be a leak in the circuit.

If your air conditioner is no longer cold, go to the garage for a mechanic to check the entire system. It will check the refrigerant gas level and the condition of the circuit. In general, check your air conditioning system. every xnumx years.

How long does it take to charge a car air conditioner?

My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

One charge of the air conditioner is enough for at least 3 years... However, since your air conditioner does not run continuously, this time may vary slightly depending on your use.

We advise you to do check your air conditioner every two years to prevent possible malfunctions. Generally, replacing the air conditioner filter is sufficient to return the air conditioning system to good condition when the air conditioner is no longer cold.

?? Air Conditioning No Longer Cold: How Much Does It Cost?

My car air conditioner is no longer cold: how to fix it?

If your air conditioner is no longer cold, you should go to the garage to check your air conditioning system. Usually, recharging the air conditioner is enough to solve the problem. But if a breakdown happens, on the other hand, the bill may be higher.

Here's the price to pay depending on the reason your air conditioner is no longer cold:

  • Charging your air conditioner: between 60 and 90 € ;
  • Replacing a defective capacitor: count around 200 € ;
  • Replacement of the HS gas compressor: not less 500 €including labor.

Now you know why your air conditioner is no longer cold! To fix the air conditioner problem, go through the Vroomly garage comparator. We will help you find a garage at the best price near you!

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