Can I use water instead of antifreeze?

Can I use water instead of antifreeze?

Antifreeze should be poured into the car radiator so as not to damage the cooling system.

El radiator fluid it is vital that the car performs at its best and stays at the right temperature.

One of the most important functions is prevent overheating, oxidation or corrosion, and lubricate other parts that come into contact with the radiator, such as the water pump.

Can I use water instead of antifreeze?

La The engine temperature is monitored when the antifreeze reaches the ideal temperature.l, the thermostat opens and circulates through the engine, which absorbs heat to regulate the operating temperature.

: Coolant makes much more than heat absorption to lower the temperature: in addition, its boiling point must be high in order to remove as much heat as possible and avoid changes in the size of the pieces, which can lead to wear. It also provides great system cooling capacityavoiding overheating and related problems.

However, when you use water instead of antifreeze. Water, due to the oxygen that the heat it absorbs, is not controlled and can corrode engine pipes and hoses.

In other words, antifreeze should be poured into the car radiator so as not to damage the cooling system.

Total also explains that water freezes at 0ºC (32ºF), below that temperature it will expand and can damage the engine. The same thing happens in reverse: it reaches a boiling point above 100ºC (212ºF), so can't cool the engine upon reaching higher temperatures.


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