What should you pay attention to when stopping on the road due to a breakdown or emergency of your car, so as not to get into an accident

What should you pay attention to when stopping on the road due to a breakdown or emergency of your car, so as not to get into an accident

Know the experts' advice if your car breaks down or you have an emergency while driving on the road to avoid potentially fatal risks.

enter road represents increased risk, do it in the city, so it's important that you check your car before go on a long journey, as there may be some inconvenience along the way, such as a breakdown or an emergency, so we tell you what care should be taken when stopping on the road and avoid an accident.

We know it's not ideal to stop in the middle of the road, but if your car breaks down or you're in an emergency, you have no choice but to stop, but you have to be very careful and do it with care. responsibility and a lot of caution to avoid an accident that endangers your life or the lives of others.  

Risks of stopping on the road 

stop at The middle of the road has a number of risksThis is something you must take into account to protect your safety and the safety of people who accompany you or pass by where you parked your car.

According to what has been published, experts give a number of recommendations to avoid accidents when you stop on the road.

His house is beating

If you have a breakdown or an emergency while driving on the road and must stop, the first thing you should do is put on your turn signals to warn the vehicles behind you, slow them down and take precautions as you are the one warning that something is happening to you. That is why it is important to immediately activate emergency lightingto avoid a major accident.

You must then drive up to the car from the side of the road (shoulder), but also with great care, making sure that no car is following you at high speed. 

In short, the first step must be seen by other motorists. 

Stay calm when stopping on the road

You should always remain calm from the very beginning to avoid a major setback. Since you parked your car on the side of the road.

Before you check what the problem is, or take action in an emergency, you need to put on anti-reflective vest so other motorists can see you.

Before getting out of the car, you should look around to make sure it is safe.

Importance of the sign

Then place the emergency triangles, i.e. signaling so that oncoming motorists can see you from afar. They must be at least 50 meters from your vehicle so that other motorists can see you.

This measure is very important, because in this way you will avoid a major accident, because if the cars do not see you, they can crash into your unit and the consequences can be fatal not only for you, but also for the driver and passengers of the car. other. Vehicle.

Flashing lights must be on at all times.

keep cool

First of all, you must have the composure to act and make the right decisions.

The place where you park your car should be insuranceFor example, if you're on a highway, look for the first exit so you can get there in case of a breakdown or emergency, but you have to be careful when stopping.

If you have an emergency light, it's better than the triangles, but you should still put up some kind of signs to warn other motorists that something is going on, and they should slow down and take your own precautions.



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