New Year's Eve Board Games - The Best Party Games
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New Year's Eve Board Games - The Best Party Games

For several years now, it has been difficult for me to imagine New Year's Eve without board games. Ba! My friends are even waiting for me to bring something interesting, so every year I try to surprise them with something new. And there are plenty to choose from!

Anna Polkowska /

Party games are an unusual category of board games. I see mixed reactions to them quite often, especially among people who don't play board games. Everything changes when we start playing. If the looters are persuaded to play even one game, the problem goes to the other extreme - they do not want to stop playing.

"Who did it?"

Let's start with something really... controversial. "Who did it?" is a fun game that relates to our receptivity and reflexes. We are talking about pets, one of which made a huge steam in the middle of the living room ... yes, that's it! Our task is to effectively blame other players in order to exonerate ourselves. This is one of my biggest surprises of the last year and at the same time a game that works well at parties for both kids and adults.

"5 second"

5 Seconds is a classic quiz game. In fact, this is not a test of our knowledge, but stress resistance. During the game, we have the title "5 seconds" to answer a simple question. We always have to mention three things: they start with the letter F, they are the names of Polish romantic comedies, the names of Poland national team players or cities in France. Under the pressure of time, seemingly trivial questions become a real challenge. 5 seconds is a bunch of blizzards, sudden memory lapses and great fun!


"Bankrut" once dominated my family's Easter trip to beautiful Polanica-Zdrój. I took with me a whole bag of titles smaller and larger, but on the first evening I showed Bankrut ... and that was it. The rest of the way we did nothing but exchange goods, negotiate and laugh out loud. It's hard to know how intense this game is until you try it. A small box, low price and amazing emotions inside - what you need for a holiday!

"Risk Physicist"

I don't know if I've ever played a quiz game with the best design. Well, here we are answering questions that almost certainly no one knows the exact answer to, and these are always numerical questions! For example: how many bubbles are in a bottle of champagne? How many tons of sand is on Malibu beach? How many thousand kilometers between Mars and Venus? Everyone writes their answer on the board and then we rank it from lowest to highest. Then everyone places bets on who will be closest to the truth, and we check the answer. Fine workmanship (impressive poker chips and playing cloth) and simple rules mean you can miss midnight in the heat of the game!


Or maybe something for couples? Or potential couples - you know, a lot can happen on New Year's Eve ... "Coincided" is a bit of a reference to the once famous game show "King of the Bet", which tested how well you know two people living together. Likewise in Matched. We will try to get into the preferences of our partners, thinking about what they would buy for breakfast, what movie they would choose for a second date, or what books they dislike the most. Sounds trite, but it's really addictive and may surprise you. If you are planning a New Year's Eve couple, take Matched with you, it will be great!

"Said Odysseus"

Dixit Odyseja is a variation of Dixit that allows you to play in pairs so you can have fun with up to 12 people. Of course, this makes it harder and harder, but in Dixit it usually means funnier and funnier! Don't know what "Dixit" is? This is an unusual visual association game in which one person secretly selects a beautifully illustrated card and searches for a unique description for it, while other players try to match one of their cards with the narrator's association. We shuffle the cards chosen by everyone, then lay them out on the table and try to find the card that started it all.

With or without games, I'm sure your New Year's Eve will be perfect, and now I wish you all boards in the New Year!

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