Niva 2121 in detail about fuel consumption
Car fuel consumption

Niva 2121 in detail about fuel consumption

Niva 2121 is an excellent example of a domestic SUV. Fuel consumption on the Niva 2121 is quite large, but at the same time it does not exceed the norm for gasoline consumption on the VAZ 2121.

Niva 2121 in detail about fuel consumption

Some general information

Of course, each car has its own standards, they can fluctuate. Only real owners of this car can tell about the real fuel consumption of Niva 2121 per 100 km. Those who are happy drivers of this model often comment on various forums and advise several ways on how to save on gasoline, how to avoid breakdowns in frost and bad weather.

EngineConsumption (track)Consumption (city)Consumption (mixed cycle)
1.7Xnumx l / xnumx kmXnumx l / xnumx kmXnumx l / xnumx km

As the creators of this car model testify, an engine size of 1,7 is the best option for it. It provides great cross-country ability and minimal consumption of gasoline. This steel horse does not have super power, but at the same time, consumes about 11 liters on the highway, and 12 liters in urban and mixed mode. For an SUV, this is the norm. Luckily, high fuel costs can be offset with the ease of maintenance of this machine.

What is the difference between fuel consumption on the highway and in the city

The level of gasoline consumption on the highway is much lower, this is due to the fact that on the highway you do not have to stop at intersections, slow down in front of pedestrians, go around the pits every couple of meters. On the track, the car has the opportunity to accelerate well.

When using a car at medium speeds, it is possible not only to save fuel, but also to avoid breakdowns.

Features of consumption

The ideal speed outside the city is about 90 kilometers per hour. It allows the car to optimize and perform as well as possible, this speed does not squeeze the maximum out of the car, but allows the engine to work rationally. Drivers, dissatisfied with the fact that the fuel consumption of the VAZ 2121 per 100 km is too high, created a selection of tips on how to reduce gas mileage per hundred kilometers:

  • the fuel consumption of a Niva 2121 carburetor depends, most often, on the driving style;
  • the driver should feel the car, and not try to squeeze the maximum out of it;
  • aggressive driving leads to significant fluctuations in engine speed and high fuel consumption;
  • such a machine should be used at medium speed, operation at medium speed leads to savings;
  • optimal engine operation prevents a lot of breakdowns, helps save on maintenance, and reduces fuel consumption on the VAZ 2121 per 100 km.

Niva 2121 in detail about fuel consumption

It's important to remember this

Never save on the quality of fuel, you will regret it more than once, because poor-quality raw materials, getting into a car, disrupt a lot of processes, making the car out of order. So, you immediately ruin the car and increase fuel consumption due to these breakdowns. Savings will not come out of this, rather, the organization of a trip that is too expensive. The fuel consumption rates of the Niva 2121 injector, in any case, will not allow you to save much.

When choosing a car for yourself, choose one that will have low consumption and an average price for the car itself. It is also worth considering the cost of maintenance, parts for individual brands are too expensive.

Summing up

The level of gasoline consumption on Niva 2121 is fully consistent with the quality and high cross-country ability of the car. Despite the fact that this car is quite old, it has excellent performance and easily overtakes even modern SUVs. The production quality of this car is much better than modern ones, so sometimes even this vase should not be written off.

Fuel consumption for the VAZ 2121 Niva should be calculated based on the costs of servicing the car for one year. The fuel engine is very predictable and the cost of it is very easy to calculate, the only way you can know what kind of car you can afford.

Fuel consumption in the field 1.6 liters. stock shaft.

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