Motorcycle Device

Motorcycle beginners: 10 common mistakes

Have you just successfully completed your motorcycle license? Well, congratulations! You've just taken a big step. No doubt it was not easy, but the adventure is just beginning. You still have a lot to learn in this universe. That is why we want to warn you.

What are the most common mistakes motorcycle beginners make? What mistakes should you avoid when starting up? In this article, you will find common mistakes young motorcyclists who have just got their license.

Get the appropriate equipment

Many young bikers do not have the opportunity to start their adventure the way it should. True, this requires a fairly significant investment. And yet this is not a whim. This is primarily for security reasons. 

A helmet, jacket and other equipment such as gloves and shoes provide protection in the event of an accident. I hope you never get into an accident, but it is always safe to be prepared for all unforeseen circumstances. Once you start taking your first motorcycle riding course, get ready.

Forget the stand before launch

This is one of the habits that young bikers have a hard time acquiring. It's okay to forget to remove the kickstand when starting up. However, this is not a reason to always forget about it even after a month. Remember to check the stand before heading out. This could result in a serious accident when turning.

Neglecting motorcycle maintenance

Not taking care of your motorcycle is not taking care of yourself. Motorcycle maintenance is more than just washing your motorcycle before riding. This also applies to the oil level, the condition of the engine and tires. 

The fact that you know nothing about motorcycles does not relieve you of this task. Remember that one day your motorcycle will abandon you when you least expect it, if you don't take care of it.

Ability to anticipate the parameters of a successful turn

You may need time to get used to the different settings when making a turn. Your speed, tire grip, braking - you must consider all these elements if you want to succeed in every corner. 

And there is nothing to say about this if there is gravel or other substances that can change the state of the road. Try not to fall first. It doesn't matter if you drive off the road. Almost all bikers have done this at least once in their lives.

Beware of other drivers

Of course, you are impeccable in obeying the rules of the road. If everyone was just like you, except for them. This is one of the reasons that many accidents happen to those who pay the most attention to them. 

You are never immune to a bad driver who drives a red light or refuses to give way. Therefore, it is not enough to be a good driver to avoid accidents. Be on the lookout and always be on the lookout.

Choose the right leg and right side for parking

It is not always easy to stop when you are new to motorcycle riding. You should also learn to put your foot down, for example, when you stop at a traffic light. Be sure to make sure that the road does not slope so as not to fall. Likewise, it is important to make sure you park on the correct side to avoid obstructing traffic.

Motorcycle beginners: 10 common mistakes

Pass a car without being sure that the driver sees you

It's a very bad idea to overtake a driver who can't see you in the rearview mirror. Maybe the car is high and he can't see you. Therefore, you should assume that he did not notice you and take measures to avoid a collision. He might just say in an accident that he didn't see you. So drive a decent distance and be prepared to stop in an emergency.

Too much confidence because you know the way well

It's still the same route you take every day. However, this does not mean that you are safe. Weather can change the condition of the road surface and affect your driving. Tell yourself that each route is unique and that you should ride as if you are taking this route for the first time. Pay attention to the smallest details and don't get used to it.

Don't get too close to other vehicles.

The drivers won't guess that you just got your license. Therefore, it is wise to maintain a certain distance in case the vehicle in front suddenly stops due to any unforeseen obstacle. This will give you enough time to slow down. You must have been taught to comply with safety standards before taking out a license. But since you are never careful, it is best to take precautions.

Leave in a hurry and drive fast to catch up.

It is not recommended to drive at a speed of 80 km / h in order to get to the office on time for an important meeting. Just because you left home late doesn't mean you have to hit the gas pedal hard on your motorcycle. Even if you have learned to ride a motorcycle well, always drive at the correct speed to avoid an accident. Very fast driving is a common cause of accidents.

You must have heard of some of these errors. This is good, but the main thing is to avoid them at all costs. Remember not to get into an accident and drive safely. Obviously, this is just a reminder for the pros in case you forgot.

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