New battery for winter - first of all
Useful tips for motorists

New battery for winter - first of all

There is not much left until the first snow and the first winter frosts. Each car owner must carry out a series of procedures to prepare his car for the winter period. Of course, quite a lot of things need to be done, from checking the body and its repeated anti-corrosion treatment, and ending with checking the health of all components and assemblies of the machine.

But special attention should be paid to electrical equipment, since in winter it plays a decisive role. This is especially true for the battery. Agree that if the battery is insufficiently charged, it is simply impossible to start the engine in winter, especially if the thermometer has dropped below -20 degrees. It is best to buy a new battery if you have had problems with the old one even in the summer. For example, Bosch batteries can be viewed here:, where you can choose the required model specifically for your car.

Well, if you do not have sufficient funds to buy a new battery, then you should make a complete revision of the battery so that it goes off without problems in the winter season.

  1. First, you should pay attention to the electrolyte level in the cans. If it does not correspond to the norm, be sure to top up either electrolyte (if necessary to increase the density) or distilled water.
  2. Secondly, as mentioned above, pay attention to the density of the composition. If it is insufficient, then it is the electrolyte that will have to be topped up, and not the water.
  3. Be sure to fully charge the battery after performing the above procedures. It may take a day, but you will be sure that in the morning your battery will not let you down.

It is worth taking seriously the implementation of the procedures described above, otherwise you will either have to start from the pusher, which is almost impossible in winter, or constantly carry wires with you and light up from other cars, which is also not a way out of the situation.

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