Do I need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery?
Machine operation

Do I need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery?

When temperatures drop to zero or below, one of the most common problems among motorists is the premature discharge of the starter battery. We have repeatedly considered the reasons for this phenomenon on the pages of our autoblog electrolyte boiling off and its low level, gradual shedding of plates due to long-term operation, incorrectly selected battery in terms of capacity and voltage.

The only solution to this problem is to recharge the battery using a charger.. If you trust this task exclusively to professionals at the service station, they will do everything right: they will determine the degree of wear and tear of the battery, choose the optimal charging mode at low or medium currents. However, in those cases when a beginner tries to charge the battery on his own, he has a logical question: is it necessary to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery and how to do it correctly?

Do I need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery?

Types of batteries

Modern industry produces several types of batteries:

  • serviced;
  • maintenance-free;
  • gel.

The last two types are devoid of plugs, as such, so it is impossible to access the inside of the device. However, when they are charged, the same processes occur as in conventional serviced batteries: when a load is applied to the terminals, the electrolyte gradually begins to boil and evaporate. All vapors exit through small valves. Accordingly, it is necessary to regularly clean the battery from dust and dirt, avoiding blocking of the exhaust holes, otherwise there may be sad consequences in the form of a battery explosion and wiring fire.

In serviced batteries, in addition to plugs for filling and checking the electrolyte level, there are also valves for venting gases. If the battery is new and you want to recharge it a little at low currents, you can leave the plugs unscrewed. But at the same time, make sure that the side surfaces of the device are free of dust and oil film.

Do I need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery?

Charging maintenance batteries

The situation is completely different with batteries that have been in operation for a long time, and the degree of discharge is deep.

You can "revive" them by adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Unscrew the plugs and check the electrolyte level, it should completely cover the plates;
  2. Using an aerometer, measure the density of the electrolyte, which should be 1,27 g / cm3;
  3. It will not hurt to check under the load cabinet - if the electrolyte boils in one of the cans, then we are dealing with a short circuit and this device will only have to be handed over for a second time;
  4. If necessary, add only distilled water - pouring electrolyte or sulfuric acid is possible only under the supervision of an experienced accumulator who knows how to calculate the correct proportions;
  5. Put the battery on charge, while the load current should be one tenth of the battery capacity.

In this mode, the battery is charged up to 12 hours. It is quite clear that the electrolyte at some point begins to boil. It is not necessary to completely remove the plugs if the battery is not too old and is charged at low or medium currents. It is enough to unscrew them and put them in their place so that there are holes for the release of gases. When trying to revive a "dead" battery, it is best to leave the holes completely open. It is also desirable to control the charging process and monitor the movement of the arrows of the voltmeter and ammeter, which show the level of charge.

Do I need to unscrew the plugs when charging the battery?

How to unscrew battery plugs

There are several types of battery plugs. The simplest plastic plugs are unscrewed with the help of improvised items - a five-kopeck coin will be an ideal option. However, there are also such batteries, for example Inci Aku or Mutlu, in which the plugs are hidden under a protective cover. In this case, use a screwdriver to pry up the cover. The plugs under it are connected to each other and removed with a slight movement of the hand.

In the case of foreign-made batteries, there are plugs that can be removed with round-nose pliers. Please note that there are small channels in the plugs designed to vent gases. They must be kept clean.



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