Learning at a driving school: everything is just beginning
Useful tips for motorists

Learning at a driving school: everything is just beginning

There are a number of exercises that help you learn how to park freely and safely, as well as maneuver in city streets and rough terrain.

Sense of rear and front clearance

To feel the beginning of the front and end of the rear bumper will help exercise with a beacon. The role of the beacon in this case will be played by a plastic bottle with a small amount of sand and a long branch from a tree inserted into its neck.

The exercise is as follows: it is necessary to drive forward to the bottle as close as possible without hitting or knocking it down.

Imitation of a narrow passage.

An exercise familiar to everyone since the time of learning to drive in a driving school. To develop the skill of such a passage, two beacons will be required, installed at a distance slightly exceeding the width of the car. After preparing the training site, you can start the exercise: drive forward through a narrow section, trying not to touch the markers.

Correct landing. It is advisable to get used to the correct fit even at the stage of obtaining a driver's license in a driving school. Adjust the seat for yourself using all available adjustments: adjust the distance from the steering wheel, tilt the backrest, etc. In order for the weight to be optimally distributed over the chair, the backrest must have a certain angle of inclination (up to 30 degrees). So you can confidently drive the car and feel comfortable while driving.

Parallel parking.

To practice the skill, you will need the same two beacons. One of them will become an analogue of the front bumper of the rear car, the second - the rear bumper of the car in front. A line drawn in chalk or a small board will do to mark the border. Practice parking in reverse then forward.

One of the problems will be to see the "curb" and stop as close as possible next to it. To do this, lower the side mirror.

Source - http://magic-drive.ru/

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