Furnishing a girl's room: ideas for furniture and accessories for a little girl's room
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Furnishing a girl's room: ideas for furniture and accessories for a little girl's room

Are you planning to change the furniture in the girl's room? Or maybe you are just preparing for her coming into the world? Regardless of your parenting experience and daughter's preferences, our tips are sure to come in handy.

When you start furnishing a nursery, especially if it's the first baby in the family, you may feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of furniture and accessories that caregivers have to choose from. So how do you choose among them those who have the potential to serve the child even for the next few years? This is a difficult task, but not impossible. In our article you will find a handful of practical tips that will make the arrangement of a child's room for a girl easier and more enjoyable.

What wall color to choose for a girl's room?

Let's start with the most basic aspect that needs to be considered several times, namely the choice of the color of the walls. It is worth choosing a shade that does not require changes even for the next few or several years. It is also better to avoid wallpapers with children's motifs, which may not appeal to an older child.

When choosing the color of the walls, it is also good to pay attention to the psychology of colors. Warm colors are good for kids. Unlike cool colors, which can be a bit overwhelming, especially during the winter months, warm colors naturally brighten up a room, making it feel more inviting. However, it should not be too intense shade. Bright orange or red colors can have a negative effect on the child, causing, among other things, excessive excitability and irritability. Also, a strong contrast of several expressive shades can cause sensory load in the baby. Therefore, more muted colors will be much better.

If you are furnishing a nursery for a girl, pastel colors can be a good solution, which look great in many combinations. The combination of pale pink - the so-called. Millennium pink - with muted green. You can also choose a practical white color, which will be an excellent base for bright accessories.

Want to make your room appear lighter and more spacious than it really is, while at the same time worrying about dirt? Then try combining white with a darker shade. You can combine with white, such as dark blue, dark green or colored panels, by dividing the wall horizontally in half.

Unique accessories for a girl's room

As with the arrangement of an adult bedroom, in the case of a nursery, it is worth focusing on the details that create a cozy atmosphere. The right accessories can turn a girl's room into a real realm of children's fantasy. What will contribute to this?

Furniture and accessories for girls from 0 to 3 years:

Multifunctional crib

A 4-in-1 accessory that also doubles as a crib, chaise longue, table chair and baby high chair. Thanks to so many functions, it can be used not only in the first months of life, when the baby lies most of the time, but also after the sixth month, when he starts to sit up and get up. This is an example of an accessory that you will use not only in the bedroom, but also in the kitchen or living room.

Educational mat

Easy to unfold and fold, this ultra-light rug makes a great addition to a little girl's room just starting to explore the world. Full of colors and different textures, the sensory design of the mat allows you to engage all your child's senses while playing. Thanks to this, the baby better absorbs information and learns through the game.

Furniture and accessories for girls from 4 to 7 years:

scandinavian style bed

Great idea for both toddlers and older kids. Parents all over the world love them for their simplicity and design that goes hand in hand with kids' preferences. Scandinavian bedrooms, as the name suggests, are shaped like houses and originate from northern Europe. They can have a different shape - single or folded. Thanks to the unusual design of the bed, the bed-house also performs a decorative function. Additionally, you can decorate its frame with LED lamps, flags or a canopy. However, be sure to put extra decorations in a safe place so your child doesn't get hurt.

Fancy Bedding

With the help of carefully selected pillowcases, you can easily create a cozy atmosphere and personalize the interior of the room. In addition, pillowcases with images of popular characters or animals will help the child fall asleep faster. In our offer you will find a wide selection of models with motifs related to the preferences of children. Superheroes, soft toys, colorful patterns, flowers, princesses, Disney - the possibilities are many. In addition, bed linen with your daughter's favorite motifs will become an additional decorative element of the interior.

Arrangement of a room for a girl - how to ensure functionality?

When preparing the arrangement of a girl's room, it is worth remembering that her tastes and needs will change at least several times over several years. So you should focus on minimalism in the first years of life, and then gradually complement the decor depending on your needs - for example, put a functional desk and an ergonomic chair that a 3-year-old girl does not need, but one that is not needed at 6 years old.

A three-year-old baby first of all needs space to play, so the baby’s room should be equipped with educational accessories, for example, educational rugs. However, in addition to toys, a little girl's room should have functional and safe furniture - book shelves, chests of drawers or a closet. You can choose models of bizarre shapes that will become an additional decoration. However, if you want the furniture set in the children's room to last for several years, you should choose simple options that can be freely decorated with additions and accessories.

Furniture for a children's room should be chosen, first of all, based on the criterion of safety and mobility. The absence of sharp corners is a feature that parents most often pay attention to when creating a composition for a baby. It is worth bearing in mind, as well as sizes that should not exceed the capabilities of the baby. Buying furniture "in advance" is not a good idea - it is best to postpone the purchase in time and replace the furniture with convenient accessories in the form of rugs, carriers and portable, lightweight tables.

It is worth remembering that a room filled with toys will quickly begin to resemble a real battlefield if you do not take care of their proper storage. So it's good to equip the room with a lot of drawers, drawers and baskets, which will make it easier. And the arrangement will take on character at the same time.

Arranging a room for a girl is a rather difficult task. If you want a décor that satisfies a child's needs for the long term, it's a good idea to gradually furnish the room, adding the necessary equipment as the child grows.

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