The oceans are full of fuel

The oceans are full of fuel

Fuel from sea water? For many skeptics, the alarm can go off immediately. However, it turns out that scientists working for the US Navy have developed a method for making hydrocarbon fuels from salt water. The method consists in extracting carbon dioxide and hydrogen from water and converting them into fuel in catalytic processes.

The fuel obtained in this way does not differ in quality from the fuel used for the movement of vehicles. The researchers conducted tests with a model aircraft running on it. So far, only small-scale production has succeeded. Experts predict that if this method continues, it could replace the traditional fleet fuel supply system in about 10 years.

So far, the focus has been on its needs, because the cost of producing hydrocarbon fuels from sea water is higher than the production and processing of crude oil. However, on ships on remote missions, this can be advantageous given the cost of transporting and storing fuel.

Here is the seawater fuel report:

Creating fuel from sea water

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